Member-only story
Starcodes September 27, 2024
It’s a good week to accomplish. The last few weeks have been an important strategic time to dream up and sketch out plans as the Sun and Mercury formed a constructive grand trine with change-inducing Uranus and Pluto, an aspect that could suddenly change our minds or cause us to adapt to wildly changing circumstances. This week we can build momentum on those plans as energizing Mars forms a collaborative trine with organized Saturn.
This sounds positive, but we’ll not be the only ones motivating, those activating transits fall on wild storms and on all people, both those with love in their hearts and those ready for a fight. So let’s watch the weather and notice who makes their move.
Underneath this practical momentum we could feel unusually tender, a little touchy in our digestive systems and wary of risk. Both planets which symbolize our emotional flow, Venus and Mars, are now in deep-feeling water signs symbolized by creatures with an exoskeleton, Scorpio’s scorpion and Cancer’s crab. Both signs help us tap into our deep tenderness within, which can be lovely where we feel safe, but can bring out hellacious defenses when we feel attacked. So go gently with one another. When the claws or stinger…