Starcodes Sept 30, 2022


Expect confusing conditions throughout the weekend. While we can happily travel the world in our minds, any other form of transportation could get complicated. On Sunday, Mercury, who symbolizes our mental switchboard, transportation, the winds, and our communication, turns direct after three weeks retrograde. Soon the details will straighten out, but for now, keep it simple and don’t be distracted where safety or timing is important.

It won’t be a quick relief from Mercury retrograde conditions, we may not feel clearheaded or ready to leap forward for a few more days because Mercury pivots directly opposite inspired but confusing Neptune, leaving us foggy, with storms and moods swirling in place for a few more days. Whenever a planet appears to change directions, whatever it symbolizes tends to swirl in place. If our thinking or our communication gets scrambled this weekend, let’s take a Mercury pause, smile quietly, take notes and talk about it again next week. Track carefully where we put the keys, the car, screwdriver, whatever tools are in use, or Mercurial poltergeists will send them to Pluto. If something needs doing over again, we can try to do so with grace.

Luckily this weekend begins under an impatient but relatively good-spirited Sagittarius Moon and as Venus opposes Jupiter. The two emotional planets, Venus and Mars, are both in talkative air signs (Venus in egalitarian, aesthetic Libra, Mars in verbal and nervy Gemini), and help us communicate from the heart and help one another even when the weather rages or logistics tangle. Practice being a great listener both with beloveds and with community. Consider listening to at least one irate person and learn why they are upset and practice the healing power of holding space for someone and walking in their shoes.

On Sunday we’ll want to kick into gear and accomplish as the Moon enters competent Capricorn, but this may be time to practice patience instead. Clear the decks for room to leap forward next week or find creative ways to hold still. Use early next week as a time to find lost items, pick up the pieces, and get organized. The agenda may have changed over the last few weeks. Check in with the team and find out what progress has been made and what needs new focus — make sure everyone is now on the same page.

By Thursday, missing things resurface, hidden information and obscured motivation becomes revealed, for better or worse, as thoughtful Mercury squares intense Pluto. A sensitive Pisces Moon encourages us to repair any recent rifts in relationship, including relationships with one’s soul and one’s spiritual practice. We may need to come to terms with some loss or find ourselves at a fork in the road where we need to let go of the dreams of one path so we can pursue the other. For now, we can get right with our self and soul, and gear up to move forward next week.

Friday, September 30: We’re so ready for a new chapter as the Sagittarius Moon forms lovely aspects to Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun, chafe at the bit to travel, change or launch a project- but will need patience. Prepare, enjoy, complete, and socialize prepare, enjoy, complete and just plain socialize while we wait. Check in with contacts and sympathize, enjoy people’s company without demand, strengthen connections needed in the next phase.

Moon sextile Venus 12:03 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 3:38 AM, Moon sextile Sun 11:05 AM.

Saturday, October 1: Expect to juggle may things, people, items, and events. The slower we work the less we’ll drop. Ask a friend or friendly passerby to help, and offer help in return, they are probably juggling too as the restless, scattered, humorous Sagittarius Moon opposes Mars and squares Neptune and Mercury. People are generally friendly and great conversations can strike up in odd places as Venus opposes Jupiter, just don’t read the future in a handshake. It’s a good day to socialize around art, music, talent.

Moon sextile Saturn 4:07 AM, Moon opposes Mars 9:03 AM, Venus opposed Jupiter 12:11 PM, Moon square Neptune 2:44 PM, Moon square Mercury 3:46 PM.

Sunday, October 2:

Relax, this could be a tough but productive day, just not maybe in the ways we want it to be. The Moon enters industrious Capricorn and nags us to get on with life, but Mercury stations to turn direct this morning — appears to hold still, and hold us spinning in place. Energy flows, but erratically, as the Moon squares Jupiter, Venus and the Sun. Enjoy safe muscular workouts and do minor chores to prepare for a move forward. Avoid arguments about the future or how to accomplish those chores.

Moon enters Capricorn 1:37 AM, Mercury stations direct 3:07 AM, Moon square Jupiter 3:36 AM, Moon square Venus 8:35 AM, Moon square Sun 6:14 PM.

Monday, October 3: Some cloud clears and we can see our situation more clearly. While this could be wonderful as the general mood is ready to work, this new clarity could also reveal, what’s really been happening while we were distracted. Look for new information on storm damage and watch this pattern play out on the big international chess board as well as at home. Don’t throw a fit, just get the ship righted and heading forward.

Moon trine Uranus 8:36 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 5:30 PM, Moon trine Mercury 6:58 PM, Moon conjunct Pluto 9:48 PM.

Tuesday, October 4: Forward momentum is still slow but with better spirits and more camaraderie. Get the band back together and focus on teamwork and friendship under this Aquarius Moon. Forgive people a few moments of social awkwardness midafternoon, relax under a clash of enthusiasms as the Moon squares Venus. Share progress reports over dinner.

Moon enters Aquarius 4:20 AM, Moon sextile Jupiter 8:48 AM, Moon square Venus 4:04 PM.

Wednesday, October 5: Serious responsibilities and other forms of adulting need our time and attention as the Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn this morning. Let’s look at all the things we said we’d do and either report on progress or state succinctly we choose to go another way. Take the time to get structure and organization in place. Reconnect with some element from the past, an antique or old friend or client, the past can feed the future.

Moon trine Sun 12:30 AM, Moon square Uranus 10:57 AM, Moon conjunct Saturn 10:59 AM, Moon trine Mars 4:48 PM.

Thursday, October 6: Tend to writing, agreements, contracts- but ease off on any emotional pressure- as the Moon enters sensitive, non-aggressive Pisces. Back off pressure where the deadline is an illusion. Pay attention to the fork in the road- places where one plan for the future needs to be released in order to follow another. Absorb difficult news or new information, let feelings flow through, but don’t let it overwhelm. If ghosts visit, honor and release them as Mercury squares Pluto.

Moon enters Pisces 6:46 AM, Mercury square Pluto 9:55 PM.



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead
Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Written by Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer and ceremonialist, authored Starcodes: Navigate Your Chart with Choice-Based Astrology + AstroOracle deck.

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