Member-only story
Starcodes Sept 20, 2024 Heather Roan Robbins
Let’s take a moment to assess what’s really important to us this week, whether that’s a peaceful afterlife, a tidy autumnal garden, or a coming political change.
We are at a pivot point, small or large, a potential to shift the balance and open doorways. as the Sun trines the planets most associated with transformation, Pluto and Uranus both now retrograde. Just as we hit the fall equinox, that balance point of light and dark, as the Sun enters Libra on Sunday at 6:43 AM Mountain time — opening doors and calling for a rebalancing. It’s up to us whether we step through those open doorways and take advantage of the moment, or just appreciate a nice fall day. It’s good to know which way we want to pivot.
As the Sun forms a grand trine in earth signs with Pluto and Uranus both retrograde, it hints of changes to come. Pluto and Uranus are now within 2° of a trine, Uranus will retrograde back out of orb soon. When these two tango together, the world changes.
They last trine in 1921- 22-marking the social reconstructions after World War 1, they conjunct in the mid-1960s, squared in 2012 to 2015-the heart of the Obama era- and will soon form a trine. The next few weeks may bring a taste of the evolutionary chaos that Uranus and Pluto can bring.
It’s good to hold onto our long-term goals for the next few weeks and let them direct…