Member-only story
Starcodes Sept 17, 2021 Heather Roan Robbins
Make hay while the Sun shines in industrious Virgo this week; get organized and sketch in plans for the fall even though they need to stay flexible and will continue to evolve throughout the season. Get some good solid chunks of work out of the way and clear the decks now before Mercury retrogrades from September 26 through October 18 and asks us to slow down, check our assumptions, and review.
Mercury is in its shadow — that part of the zodiac it (appears to) back over as it retrogrades — and so Mercurial things are already getting complicated. Allow extra time to straighten out technical snafus and drive with extra awareness.
Underneath this Virgoan industriousness feelings will run deep and strong this week as emotional Venus in Scorpio squares serious Saturn and then opposes Uranus, a pattern which can bring up our trust issues as well as our abiding love and respect for those who’ve earned our trust and instigate changes in how we express ourselves.
That emotional tension is softened by Mercury and Mars now in equitable Libra, which adds a touch of hopeful romance, but also increases romantic expectations. For those in the market, keep eyes open for new ways to form connections. To support ongoing relationships, add an extra touch of appreciation and gratitude. Look at how the household chores and emotional weightlifting is shared and make…