Member-only story
Starcodes October 18, 2019 Heather Roan Robbins
Mercury turns retrograde on Halloween. It has already begun to slow down and enter its shadow, the part of the zodiac through which it appears to back up, and we can feel everything slow down and get a little murky. Start Mercury retrograde survival skills early; If there’s tension, check for misunderstandings, pad the schedule with a little extra time and confirm all reservations and travel plans. Pay extra attention to important communications to make sure they get where they’re supposed to go. For the next six weeks it’s a good time to research, check our facts, and have some objective material to work with in case anyone starts a fight.
Notice that the dialogue sharpened and the political debate grew harpoons after October 3. Mercury, instead of spending its usual three weeks in a sign, will spend almost 10 weeks in Scorpio. Mercury entered Scorpio on October 3-gets to the end of Scorpio, retrogrades October 31, appears to back up to early Scorpio, turns direct November 20 and traverses Scorpio again until it enters Sagittarius on December 8.
Mercury in Scorpio brings out our inner detective helps us investigate and ferret out hidden information, but never forgets a perceived wrong. Notice extra vitriol in the headlines and on Facebook, and think carefully before participating. Use that Scorpio perceptiveness to look past tension and into the real heart of the matter. And tell some great ghost stories.
In these last two weeks before Mercury retrograde let’s keep the communication lines open. A talkative…