Member-only story
Starcodes Oct 7, 2022
“You say you want a revolution- Well, you know-We all want to change the world”.-John Lennon
Watch the energy swirl, organize, then pick up speed this week. Changes put on hold for a season could now begin to percolate as Mercury picks up forward momentum and Pluto turns direct after many months retrograde. The Sun now roils with sunspots, potential solar flares, which turn the volume up on all transits and coincide historically with an urge for political and cultural change of all types. On top of this, this weekend’s Full Moon in Aries heralds one of the year’s most excited, progressive, and reactive moments.
Like a strong wind, this astrological excitement can propel us forward if we organize our sails and get our ship headed in the right direction. We still need to keep an eye out for storms of all types, both wild weather and clashes of wills. Fights between efforts to control, the old patriarchy, and some exciting new more egalitarian energy will weave through the headlines.
We could feel this tension in our own psyches, some old emotional baggage or difficult pattern nags us to resist our evolution as the Sun and Venus opposed Chiron. Problems are uncovered; whether it is a fresh understanding of the depth of a problem or a new revelation about the real motivation behind someone’s actions, we see what needs work now. Let’s keep our moral compass…