Member-only story
Starcodes November 8, 2019 Heather Roan Robbins
Priorities, priorities, priorities; keep checking priorities. Stay on target with what’s important and let all the rest fall by the wayside for the moment. We’re asked to dig deep, take care of business, and not waste our time as Mercury in Scorpio, retrograde, sextiles Pluto, while the Sun conjuncts/combusts Mercury this week. Mercury in Scorpio usually brings intense focus, but because it’s retrograde, and because of a few other challenging aspects this week, we can obsess on discomfort, or focus on some random dust moat, and forget where we’re going.
Unfinished business returns to be dealt with, which can be a relief or royal pain, depending on the business, but either way — let’s make progress. Missing things return, and important things can go missing. Our dreams may be laced with old memories or concerns, times when we were embarrassed or frustrated. If so, note the mood, let those feelings feel heard, but realize that they are not predictive; this is not about the present or the future but just about clearing out the cluttered corners of the past.
Let our first priorities be safety, love relationships, and feeling understood in the world. With Mercury retrograde we can’t necessarily take any of that for granted. Keep eyes open if a series of small mishaps begins to pile up; to flail around further will only be increase their likelihood, so calm down, slow down, get centered and refocused. Then continue.
Stay on target as the weekend begins under a volatile Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aries, two signs both…