Member-only story
Starcodes November 15, 2019
The astral winds are about to change. Mercury, retrograde for the last few weeks, turns direct at the end of this week, and just in time for us to get our Thanksgiving and holiday plans in place. But the last few days of Mercury retrograde can be a doozy. By the end of these three retrograde weeks, mistakes and mis-orders, bad ideas, unsaid feelings and technical glitches can begin to pile up, and our minds may be tired of feeling sludgy.
Often, when Mercury is retrograde, a short-term agenda pops up and needs to be dealt with before we get on with the rest of our work. If we had such a sidebar to our ordinary work, it’s time to bring those short-term projects or challenges to completion. If we’ve been using retrograde Mercury to our advantage to tidy up unfinished business, or make overtures to old friends or old business contacts, let’s nurture work and these contacts along now, then follow up again next week when Mercury is direct to firm any plans for the future.
This Mercury retrograde in Scorpio can act as a detective and stir the depths and corners of our psyche, setting off complicated dream cycles loaded with portent and history. Recent events or political headlines can trigger old feelings and emotions. Our bones may ache, old health problems twinge, scars of all types need some tender care. Those feelings run close to the surface, can roll in like a storm…