Member-only story
Starcodes November 1, 2024
I feel hopeful about the future of this country for good astrological reasons. I never call an election as I am not objective enough to read it clearly, certainly not this time. But I can sense the country’s trajectory, and we look to be heading in a fresh, if also dangerous, direction. Either the outcome of this election will produce good results, or it will inspire people to work hard to recreate America. We’ll need that fresh start for the challenges ahead, for climate change and world unrest as Neptune and Saturn enter Aries during 2025–2027.
Our country, and the whole world, is not interested in passively accepting an oppressive situation. The Sun is at its maximum in its roughly 11- year cycle of activity, shooting off flares which stimulate Aurora Borealis and heat up action here on earth, like heat to popcorn. It inspires our search for fresh answers. Solar maximums bring a time of political unrest, revolution or revitalization. The Sun was at an unusually quiet and long minimum of activity during 2017- 2020.
Our country went through its first Pluto return during 2020–2023, when Pluto returned to its position during the American Revolution, bringing a challenging reassessment of how we use power, political, electrical, and military power, here in our country. On November 19 Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius where it will be for the next few decades. Pluto…