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Starcodes Nov 25, 2022 Heather Roan Robbins

Start a home improvement project this weekend, but don’t try to talk anyone else into joining, just make it look like fun. We could feel both positive and restless, dealing with some emotional discontent and longing underneath that can either create sadness, provoke relatives, or inspire us to improve our world through an act of creation, aesthetics, or compassion.

With this discontent we could come up with spontaneously wonderful ideas, but let’s think it through before we launch in. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus all in restless Sagittarius with activating Mars both retrograde and out of bounds in nervy Gemini can really lower our impulse control.

Sagittarius energy is usually remarkably open-minded, compassionate, if radically frank and honest, but hidden within every sign, planet, or placement is the seed of its opposite. The shadow side of Sagittarius can be to believe one’s own story so it doesn’t sound like a lie, or to engage in an odd impulsive reckless selfishness in the name of self-expression.

A lack of impulse control could just mean we reach for that one extra piece of pie or tell off Aunt Martha, but with Mars so challenged right now- this can go deeper and trigger an explosive revelation or action on a violent fantasy.

Another long-standing challenging and destabilizing aspect were now wrestling with, Saturn…



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead
Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Written by Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer and ceremonialist, authored Starcodes: Navigate Your Chart with Choice-Based Astrology + AstroOracle deck.

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