Member-only story
Starcodes May 31, 2024
Feel a new wind coming in, it could just bring another drift of pollen or spate of political and natural wild winds, but it also opens up fresh possibilities. A few big astrological patterns catalyze this fresh wind and help us open our minds and potentially wind up our nervous systems. Expansive Jupiter, now in buzzy and mercurial air-sign Gemini, forms a collaborative trine with powerful Pluto as mental Mercury conjuncts change-inducing Uranus in Taurus. We can turn a corner and look down a new road.
This Jupiter-Pluto trine encourages leadership and big-picture thinking, it expands whatever touches, Pluto signifies intensity and transformation in the face of life-and-death and the use and misuse of power, it can speak to the dark corners of the human psyche. In some cases, Jupiter will free up those dark corners and liberate some misuses of power. In others it may magnify those very things, as all aspects interact with our free will. But underneath it all Pluto asks us to find what makes life worth living and go for it. Contemplate what true Jupiterian freedom means, not just freedom for oneself, but reciprocal freedom treated like the golden rule across the board.
With the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and later in the week, Mercury and the Moon in Gemini, our minds buzz, talking heads talk, the Internet things, and we could all feel a deficit in our attention. Gemini adds breadth…