Starcodes May 31, 2019 Heather Roan Robbins
Pollen floats in, hummingbirds and stray thoughts buzz by with Sun and Mercury both in nervy and verbal Gemini as the weekend begins. As Mercury in Gemini pulls away from an opposition to Jupiter and a trine to Neptune, it loans us an ability to multitask like crazy, but we may have trouble concentrating on one task at a time. While this helps us juggle last-minute end-of term busyness, it can make it a task to finish that final paper. But people are listening and enjoying the repartee, so keep the conversation flowing with tweets, posts, emails and quick comebacks.
Venus plays a strong role this week. Venus is strong in her own sign of Taurus, and this week as she forms a trine to Saturn, Pluto, and the South node, she spotlights women’s voices, votes, and strength throughout the news. A chance for the Venus within every man and woman to remember what matters in the face of real challenge.
With this strong Venus, our personal muse, our inner poet or artist may need attention but can be a real source of inspiration. If we can spend some time dabbling and meandering in our creative process, we may also that deep creativity and be able to come up with intriguing solutions for whatever oppressive problems we face. The Saturn, Pluto, South node conjunction, which runs for many months, keeps taking us back to old problems we thought we’d conquered, both personally and politically, instigating and nasty review of toxic patriarchy. Throughout the globe we are getting some stunning examples of how not to lead. Venus encourages us to look at alternatives.
This Venus trine can also bring sweetness to any relationship and help us tackle a problem together, bond through work or through the support we give one another. Now some major issue or challenge that affects our sense of security can trigger this off, but we can to work together to handle the problem.
Mars, which symbolizes our ability to defend ourselves, to have passion and enthusiasm, is now in domestic Cancer. While this can help us in our tackle home projects it can make us unusually prickly and self-protective. Protective of our rights and protective of our philosophies. We’ll tend to hear any bit of advice as a criticism. On Tuesday, Mars is joined by Mercury and the Moon in Cancer — and they all will be coming to oppose that Saturn-Pluto conjunction over the next few weeks. The big political conflicts between Venus and Mars on one side, and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on the other are not going away, we need to work together as much as possible to break that apparent dichotomy.
As the weekend begins, the Moon the cuddly, sensual, comfortable Taurus helps us ground that Gemini energy, we may need to reconnect with old friends or appreciate one another before we separate for the summer as Venus trine Saturn.
The waning Moon enters Gemini on Saturday and conjunct the Sun on Sunday, all while Venus trines deep Pluto, which can inspire some deep and salient conversation. Or a need to stay busy and distract ourselves from deeper emotional issues. But let’s make this a conscious choice, do we just need time for some comic relief so we can stay in the game, or are we avoiding something that really needs to be wrangled.
On Tuesday the new Moon and Mercury both enters Cancer. Now Mercury in Cancer can settle our minds, but our thinking and our memory will tend to run on emotional issues; if we can remember how we felt, we can remember what happened. Our personal biases can easily color what we think. We may need a few days back from the fray to get things in order. Comfort foods and picnics further.
Friday, May 31: Enjoy a creative and productive buzz. A change in plans could ask us to rely on old contacts or supplies to manage, but we can roll with it gracefully as Venus trines Saturn. If Someone asks us to come through for them in a pinch, the trust built will serve well later on. Nurture trust rather than test relationships. Express affection through tactile means, a touch, good food, or a supportive act. The arts can feed us tonight, we need both bread and roses.
Moon conjunct Uranus 7:26 AM, Venus trine Saturn 9:26 AM, Moon sextile Mars 5:48 PM,
Saturday, June 1: Engage the world on this potentially lovely day as the tactile Taurus Moon conjuncts Venus, just do it at a leisurely pace. There’s a sybaritic quality, we can judge what has value, but can overspend. We’ll want to do something both lovely and substantial and will happily gather for a good cause, but won’t want to deal with interpersonal tension, so argue recreationally another day. Dig in the ground, fertilize plants and relationships, and savor beauty.
Moon sextile Neptune 9:14 AM, Moon trine Saturn 11:12 AM, Moon conjunct Venus 1:55 PM, Moon trine Pluto 4:52 PM.
Sunday, June 2: Converse; as the Moon wanes in voluble Gemini our nerves pick up, our focus disperses, and we may need to talk about what’s recently gone on, what we care about most, and what we’re afraid to lose as Venus trines Pluto. We need to feel heard, but may have trouble listening until we’ve unburdened ourselves, so let’s take turns.
Moon enters Gemini 5:47 AM, Venus trine Pluto 9:41 PM.
Monday, June 3: A new Moon in Gemini at 4:01 AM starts a new cycle around communication. Brainstorm and invent ideas this morning. If we have a website to launch, an announcement to make, a notice to state now is the time to do so- particularly between 230 and 5:30 PM MDT, after the Moon squares Neptune and before the Moon opposes Jupiter. Update one another and share new plans over dinner.
New Moon-Moon conjunct Sun 4:01 AM, Moon square Neptune 2:38 PM, Moon opposed Jupiter 5:34 PM.
Tuesday, June 4: The Moon and Mercury enter deep-feeling Cancer this morning, and we may get crabby without a quiet moment to step back and take care of ourselves. If someone acts like a cat whose fur’s been brushed backwards, offer reassurance. Memories seep in through the day. In business, people are more likely to reach back to successful connections than to reach forward to new contacts, so stir the coals with former successful connections. Find ways to self-soothe, to consciously comfort oneself, but not necessarily with fatty foods.
Moon conjunct Mercury 9:41 AM, Moon enters Cancer 10:16 AM, Mercury enters Cancer 2:04 PM, Moon sextile Uranus 6:36 PM.
Wednesday, June 5: An argument could heat up as the Moon conjuncts Mars this morning. A decision may need to be made, but it’s hard to do it logically as protective emotions get in the way. Some argument that begins now could continue for the next few weeks as Mercury comes to conjunct Mars. Expect debate around domestic policy- in the country, our hearts, or in the house. Enjoy a moment of safe connection around dinner time, but honor a need to rest. Shoulder responsibility, but not blame, and don’t load up responsibilities on another’s shoulders tonight as the Moon opposes Saturn, you’ll be resisted.
Moon conjuncts Mars 8:47 AM, Moon trine Neptune 6:05 PM, Moon opposed Saturn 7:27 PM.
Thursday, June 6: Our worries or fear of loss can haunt us this morning as the Moon opposes Pluto. By noon a twinkle returns to the eye, along with curiosity about everybody else’s business as the Moon enters outgoing Leo and squares Uranus. Look for a surprising, but not totally unexpected demand on time this afternoon. Personalities shine and egos can flare tonight. It furthers to be out and about.
Moon opposed Pluto 1:00 AM, Moon sextile Venus 8:10 AM, Moon enters Leo 1:15 PM, Moon square Uranus 9:36 PM.