Starcodes: May 3, 2019


Prepare your garden, whether actual or metaphorical, Friday and Saturday, then get your plants in after the new Moon in Taurus 4:45 PM MDT Saturday. Start seedlings, prepare a garden, put in proposals, run for office. Start something beautiful with someone you love. This is not a weekend to weed either our garden or our presidential candidates, it’s a weekend to fertilize and support anything with potential. What we plant this on this new Moon is likely to grow.

Now that growth could stir the pot and create changes because this new Moon approaches a trine to Saturn, the south lunar node, and Pluto on Sunday, then opposes that line-up on Thursday. Saturn and Pluto run together all year and define the big questions of our time; how do we use power responsibly and how do we organize and govern in a healthy way.

Although this stabilizing Taurus Sun and Moon can calm down some of the recently volatile Aries energy, Venus and Mercury are still in low-impulse-control Aries as the weekend begins, adding and easily triggered response, a quick laugh, quick cry, strong emotional torque with fierce defenses. Tempers can flare and drop like a passing spring storm which brings clear skies.

Friday begins with the Moon in Aries magnifying this fierce spark, then enters Taurus and stabilizes for the earthy changes tonight as the Moon conjuncts Uranus. Saturday the Moon is new at 4:45 PM, so prepare the garden or the proposal during the day, and plant everything from dinner time on all through Sunday until the Moon enters Gemini in the evening.

Mercury enters Taurus early in the week and slows down our reactive temperament but increases our healthy stubbornness. With the Moon in verbal Gemini on Monday and Tuesday, it’s time to plant great ideas, to outreach and send out resumes.

On Tuesday our relationships can feel tested by responsibility, hard work, or just a mood. At the same time relationship that pass that test strengthen. We’re challenged to find a balance between relationships and our fierce independence, or could challenge our relationships through snappy comebacks and a tendency to forget to consult our beloveds when we make a quick decision.

Conversation stay active around funding for the arts, the role and voice of women, and financial stability this week as Venus in Aries first squares serious Saturn on Tuesday, then trines expansive Jupiter and squares deep Pluto on Thursday.

Friday, May 3: Put out minor fires this morning, deal with needs, urgencies, inflammations, and frayed tempers. But find time to mix in something spontaneous, good for the willful soul. The mood calms down, we may grow more agreeable if less adventurous as the Moon enters Taurus midafternoon. Make changes that prepare the ground for tomorrow’s plantings. Look for healthy shifts that tidy up loose ends and complete a cycle as the Moon conjuncts Uranus tonight.

Moon square Pluto 1:16 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 2:06 AM, Moon conjunct Mercury to 40 7 AM, Moon enters Taurus 2:17 PM, Moon conjunct Uranus 8:15 PM.

Saturday, May 4: Our senses want to be fed this morning, we want to feel cuddly, comfortable, well fed; whatever nurtures and cultivates our life. Tend one another. Prepare the ground. Notice where a stand needs to be taken. Then plant trees, ideas, overtures of affection after the Moon and Sun conjunct in Taurus at 4:45 PM.

New Moon in Taurus 4:45 PM.

Sunday, May 5: This is a primo fertile day, plant anything that needs to grow. Do not plant animosity or a grudge. A wonderfully muscular Mars-Jupiter opposition can help us dig that gardening or wrestle in the sports and logic, but we need to keep our sense of humor or the fight gets real. It’s a good day to stand up for our ecosystem. Watch the headlines, battles that began the day won’t go away quickly. Show affection through action today, then talk about it tonight as the Moon enters Gemini

Moon sextile Neptune 10:01 AM, Moon trine Saturn 4:22 AM, Moon trine Pluto 9:10 AM, Mars opposed Jupiter 3:56 PM, Moon enters Gemini 9:39 PM.

Monday, May 6: Plant words, ideas, concepts under the waxing Gemini Moon. Mercury enters Taurus and the sound of our voice becomes important, we need a more poetic edge, This Mercury brings less speed but more durability to our thinking, and leaves us less feisty but more ready to hold strong on opinion.

Mercury enters Taurus 12:25 PM.

Tuesday, May 7: It may be hard to love or share affection as Venus squares Saturn, some constraints or responsibilities can cramp our style or make it so we feel like we need to choose between aesthetics and practicality. Balance both: love and responsibility, beauty and work. Expect some challenging conversations as the Moon conjuncts Mars around dinner time, rein in impatience and give feedback only sparingly and with a note of positivity. Stay focused while driving, as accidents of distraction become more likely.

Moon square Neptune 6:14 AM, Venus square Saturn 7:26 AM, Moon sex tile Venus 10:34 AM, Moon opposed Jupiter 3:10 PM, Moon conjunct Mars 5:49 PM.

Wednesday, May 8: And now for something unexpected, as Mercury conjuncts Uranus this morning we may change our perspective or have to deal with odd new information. We won’t change our mind under duress, but we will be willing to explore ideas if confronted by something that makes us think. The Moon enters Cancer and leads us to become a bit more self-protective and emotionally guarded on the outside, but also softer and more naturally compassionate on the inside. There is no need to push people outside of their comfort zone, life will do that for them. The Sun sextiles Neptune and softens the evening; comfort and safety are deeply appreciated.

Moon enters cancer 3:06 AM, Mercury conjuncts Uranus 8:22 AM, Moon sextile Uranus 9:06 AM, Moon sextile Mercury 9:13 AM, Sun sextile Neptune 8:52 PM.

Thursday, May 9: Women lead the conversation as Venus in Aries trines Jupiter and squares Pluto. All of us can feel our impatient hearts wanting to leap to conclusion. Instead, leap to acts of affection instead. Events may call for our compassion around noon time, the fear of loss can make us push people away just when we really need a hug. Late afternoon, as the Moon opposes Saturn and Pluto, our guards come up, and events forward this year’s big work.

Venus trine Neptune 10:55 AM, Venus trine Jupiter 10:55 AM, Venus square Pluto 11:19 AM, Moon sex tile sun 11:56 AM, Moon opposed Saturn 2:44 PM, Moon opposed Pluto 7:19 PM, Moon square Venus 8:05 PM.



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead
Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Written by Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer and ceremonialist, authored Starcodes: Navigate Your Chart with Choice-Based Astrology + AstroOracle deck.

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