Starcodes May 26, 2023

Pollen and petals float on the wind, birds sing, and travel plans commence as the mutable Gemini season kicks in over Memorial Day weekend. In Gemini season people wrap up the school semester, relocate, make contacts for the summer, gossip, flirt, and take short-term trips. Gemini’s gift is cross-pollination and the ability to lightly share resources with one another to see what can grow.

Gemini encourages us to explore new connections and honor memories on Memorial Day. But in daily circumstances, like a gentle lilac-scented breeze, the nervy, talkative, broad-spectrum Gemini energy can be both lovely and a shallow or transitory brush across the surface.

We have to at the depth, but that’s not hard to do with the recent tough T-square in fixed signs, between Mars in Leo, Pluto in Aquarius, and Jupiter in Taurus which adds muscle and drive to anything we start but has also stirred up conflict around the globe. It can call us to work on some old trigger points, conundrums, technical glitches, or can just leave us occasionally grouchy. This aspect was exact last week but echoes through the next few weeks.

Part of the underlying tension we feel could be some impending changes or adjustments which almost occurred back in April when Mercury approached a conjunction with Uranus right before it turned retrograde and brought a big change in media spokespeople. Mercury is now…



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer and ceremonialist, authored Starcodes: Navigate Your Chart with Choice-Based Astrology + AstroOracle deck.