Member-only story
Starcodes May 19, 2023
Plant seeds carefully, what we plant now will grow on Friday’s new Moon in Taurus, the most fertile of all earth signs. Plant seedings and ideas, launch projects, start a book, or take a relationship to a new level.
If we plant an argument, that too will grow into a tangled forest. This dynamic week contains both that fertile Taurus ground and a muscular engine of willpower as Mars, the motivating planet, enters expressive Leo on Saturday, opposes powerful Pluto, and squares expansive Jupiter to form a T-square in determined fixed signs. It’s good for us to have healthy places to go and things to do with this astrological engine.
Mars symbolizes what motivates us, makes us passionate, and what ticks us off. Under Mars in Leo people do not want to be ignored. We have a healthy right to be seen and feel appreciated for what we do. Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto will all be at 0° of fixed signs, and 0° is the border between signs, so expect boundaries to be tested. Keep an eye on border problems whether it is with relatives, neighbors, or countries and watch for grandstanding, invasion, and heroic action on the world stage.
T-squares, like grand squares, work like combustion engines- minor explosions produce momentum which- if we time it right- can drive the car forward; if we don’t time it right, it blows up or blockades. T-squares act like a concave mirror and shine their…