Member-only story
Starcodes May 15,2020 Heather Roan Robbins
Spring beckons, spring fever calls us out and about while the virus keeps us in; the planets and politics speak of the tension between our need for room to roam and our need for safety as the Sun trines deep, intense Pluto, Lord of death and rebirth, then trines expansive Jupiter this week. Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, and Venus all now head retrograde and give us a few-month review as they back over their positions since February, then go over it again. We go back over that familiar territory and get a chance to learn from it and do it differently this time. But will we.
Jupiter and Pluto conjunct once a few weeks ago- and will twice more before winter-we feel this aspect all year long. Together they ask us how we define freedom (Jupiter) and assess our priorities (Pluto, in the face of life-an-death). This urge for Jupiterian expansion doesn’t necessarily look where it’s going.
Some define freedom as the freedom to live and keep relatives alive, others feel their civil liberties are impinged. Many children and hard-working people now appreciate the extra time with family and off the hamster wheel of the commute even as the economic outlook grows scarier. We have the freedom to garden, wander the woods or empty streets, or redefine our life. But we don’t have the freedom to drop our guard and call ourselves safe, to travel willy-nilly, hug casually, work normally, or wade into…