Starcodes: May 10, 2019


What we plant this week will grows deep roots, whether it’s seedlings, a spring fling, grudge or political machinations as the Moon waxes towards full under an earthy Taurus Sun. Mercury, also in grounded Taurus, helps our nervous system stay stable but we can dig in our heels with profound stubbornness. This natural stability is underlined by a pragmatic, on-target Sun– Saturn trine on Saturday, followed by a thoughtful Sun-Pluto trine on Monday: both aspects can help us stay on our game, deal with real issues and keep our priorities clear. These Solar aspects also shine a light on the core of our personal work and the challenges of our country as the Sun activates an ongoing, year-long, power-challenging Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn.

This grounded earthy Taurus energy helps us deal with brave, outgoing, but occasionally emotionally discontent energy resonating from Venus in feisty Aries and Mars in versatile, communicative Gemini. Venus in Aries and Mars in Gemini can also bring a spark to our eye and panache to our flirtation, which intensifies as Venus and Mars form a friendly, restless sextile towards the end of the week. Sextiles are the buddy aspect, two planets that relate like Thelma and Louise.

So let’s check in with our buddies and take our beloveds out to cavort and explore, try on new beautiful things and experiment with our creative process. We’ll want something new, new candidates, new spring clothes, new solutions, fresh connections, and our eyes can be distracted by passing beauty. For those free to form new connections, it’s a good week to pursue favorite things and notice who else is pursuing them with you. To keep it out of trouble in established relationships, hold hands and explore fresh possibilities together.

Expect restlessness with a paradoxical desire for comfort. Sometimes we may wish that the politics of the world would just go away for little while and let us enjoy spring. This may feel shallow, but it’s a sign we need to refill the wells so we can stay in here for the long haul.

Make new friends, cross pollinate ideas early this week while Venus and Mars are in extroverted signs and people are open and talkative, if impatient. Though don’t push if you hit resistance, as that Taurean stubbornness only thickens under pressure. Venus enters her own sensual sign of Taurus and Mars enters self-protective Cancer on Wednesday, shifting our energy inwards, towards more intimate connections, our family, our home, and our posse. We may be less willing to take emotional risk for a few days, but want to deepen our friendships and work on what we’ve already started.

Friday, May 10: Get the ducks in a row. use a healthy organizational skill to further work as the Sun trine Saturn; stay at the wheel even when spring weather and an indulgent Leo Moon call us out to play. Ego issues echo in the headlines and can trip us up midafternoon, but we can bypass them if we drop into our generous heart. Help someone feel loved, and their heart and mind open. Tonight, our head can send us in one direction, but our restless heart in another as the Moon squares Mercury.

Moon enters Leo 7:13 AM, Moon square Uranus 1:18 PM, Moon square Mercury 9:32 PM.

Saturday, May 11: While the day is as social as yesterday, we may feel more tension between what we should do and what we want to do, between the practical needs and the lyrical wants as the Sun and Moon square off. Some will get their nose out of joint easily if they feel underappreciated. The mood is extroverted and sociable, though we can feel tension between practical needs and lyrical wants. Gather tonight, it can be frustrating to sit home alone; find an excuse to get out of the house.

Sun trine Saturn 3:18 AM, Moon square Sun 11:12 PM, Moon trine Jupiter 10:16 PM.

Sunday, May 12: Morning pulls us between the luscious luxury of sleeping in, and a desire to get out and about. Personal projects need attention midday as the Moon enters Virgo and trines Uranus. Watch an effort to be guilt tripped into somebody else’s enthusiastic project, offer to think about it rather than agree immediately. Tonight, look ahead at the week and make adjustments, fine-tune intention and schedules.

Moon trine Venus 4:14 AM., Moon sextile Mars 6:24 AM, Moon enters Virgo 10:21 AM, Moon trine Uranus 4:32 PM.

Monday, May 13: It’s a good day to initiate a new phase of work, even though it can be hard to get started with minor health complaints, self-doubts, or a cranky edge running interference. Put one foot in front of the other and build momentum towards a specific and pragmatic goal; it all gets easier once the ball is rolling as the moon, Mercury, and Saturn form a grand trine in pragmatic earth signs.

the Moon trine Mercury 8:47 AM, Moon opposed Neptune 5:14 PM, Moon trine Saturn 8:39 PM, Sun trine Pluto 9:07 PM.

Tuesday, May 14: Put people first on this complicated day, straighten out the relationships, both at work and at home, and all else falls into place. Enjoy a flirtatious empathy as Venus sextiles Mars, it can help balance more problematic issues; laugh, connect, and find it easier to work together as the Moon trines Pluto then enters companionable Libra. Personal overtures further after noon.

Moon square Jupiter 12:31 AM, Moon trine Pluto 1:11 AM, Moon trine Sun 1:29 AM, Venus sextile Mars 7:58 AM, Moon square Mars 11:18 AM, Moon enters Libra 12:50 PM.

Wednesday, May 15: Slow down and smell the roses, some fervent wish to push the river releases as Venus leaves Aries and enters its own sign of Taurus, and Mars leaves Gemini and enters Cancer. Sweet, possessive, territorial, cuddly, Venus in Taurus can both help us feel more contented by the good, but also protective of what we have and potentially desirous of something or somebody just outside of our reach.

Venus enters Taurus 3:45 AM, Mercury sextile Neptune 7:20 PM, Mars enters cancer 9:09 PM, Moon square Saturn 11 PM

Thursday, May 16: A new focus can either help us finish projects or nudge us towards our obsessions as Mercury trine Saturn and the Moon enters intense Scorpio. If we don’t like where our mind perseverates, we can’t just drop it but we can choose to focus elsewhere. Relationship issues can get possessively volatile; instead of getting snarky, ask a beloved for reassurance.

Moon sextile Jupiter 2:38 AM, Moon square Pluto 3:37 AM, Moon enters Scorpio 3:25 PM, Moon trine Mars 4:18 PM, Mercury sextiles Saturn 5:08 PM, Moon opposed Venus 6:47 PM, Moon opposed Uranus 10:03 PM.



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead
Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Written by Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer and ceremonialist, authored Starcodes: Navigate Your Chart with Choice-Based Astrology + AstroOracle deck.

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