Starcodes March 17, 2023


This week rolls in like a wobbly, generally friendly lamb and roars out like a restless lion. This last weekend of winter begins in a friendly haze as the Sun and Mercury conjunct in intuitive, low energy Pisces and linger close to Neptune. The pace picks up at our brains sharpen as Mercury enters impatient Aries on Saturday night, and that impatient roar echoes on Wednesday’s new Moon in Aries. Larger astrological cycles nudge us to wrap up some last chapters and clear the decks for a new story.

Saturn, our symbol of stability, boundaries, and structure, left Saturn-ruled Aquarius last week and entered more ephemeral Pisces, and the banks began to falter. Boundaries get squishy, and suddenly Idaho pushes to take over parts of Oregon. Now Saturn in Pisces does not usually synchronize with bank failure but does call for adjustments. For the next two and a half years we need to calm down fears of dissolution (Pisces) , connect sustainable compassion (Pisces) with security, and dream up- and implement- some new ways forward.

But for this weekend, contact old friends, visit, catch up on stories and be sociable under an affable and convivial Aquarius moon. Get comfortable, enjoy good food, and rest up for the busy season ahead as cuddly, comfort loving Venus in Taurus forms a friendly sextile to Saturn, a planet that likes traditions, familiar things and people.

Look for potentially wild Saturday night, we may want a break from that familiar, or take a familiar conversation to a deeper and different level as mental Mercury enters the fresh fire sign Aries. It will further to find a good way to howl. That late winter haze thickens again on Sunday as the Moon enters less- energized Pisces.

Early in the week world events begin to stir, we get an infusion of energy and the stars asked us to shake out our priorities, blow away the dust, and get ready. Complete endings that create room for new beginnings, last year’s leaves falling as new leaves begin to push. Monday sends mixed signals as the waning Moon in Pisces keeps that mental haze going, but we can feel the tide turning as the Sun sextiles empowering Pluto then enters Aries at 3:24 PM MDT. We can feel that leap forward on Tuesday under the brash new Moon in Aries, impulse control lowers and action simmers.

On Monday the stars push us to sort our priorities, blow away the dust, and get ready for the new season, and potentially a new chapter in our life. As last year’s leaves fall off gray branches to create room for fresh buds, we need to wrap up unfinished business. Feel the tide turn next week, infusing energy, activity, and a contrary streak as the Sun enters Aries on Monday at 3:24 PM MDT, magnified further under the brash New Moon in Aries on Tuesday. Impulse control lowers and new action simmers.

On Thursday Pluto enters the fixed air sign Aquarius, which could be symbolized by people sitting in a circle, equals holding hands and working together. Pluto takes 247 years around the zodiac and last walked through Aquarius 1778–1797 as America constructed its constitution, an era for revolution to abolish monarchies and create democracies. Once again, we step into a few decades which could revolutionize how we collect, connect, educate and govern our world. Now we get a taste of the decades ahead, Pluto is only here for a few months, then bunny hops back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius for another year.

Pluto in Aquarius calls us to make sure every voice is heard, every vote counted. But the wisdom of the people’s mind depends on what they know, what questions they ask, and how the heart and mind connect. Crowds can be dumb. We are responsible to ask those tough questions, to educate ourselves and others in order to help the Demos look deeper and keep minds and hearts connected.

Friday, March 17: The morning buzzes with activity, and then we really want to let go of the practicalities and socialize for St. Patrick’s Day as the Moon enters sociable Aquarius for the weekend. Reconnect with old friends, favorite books, traditions, and familiar joys as Venus sextile Saturn. Pick up some interactions where we left off last time. We want to know what we can count on as we go exploring.

Moon sextile Neptune 12:26 AM, Moon sextile Mercury 2:27 AM, Moon sextile Sun 2:37 AM, Sun conjunct Mercury, 4:44 am, Moon conjunct Pluto 8:13 AM, Moon enters Aquarius 8:24 AM, Moon square Venus, 9:50 AM, Venus sextile Saturn 4:25 PM.

Saturday, March 18: Dream, float, but keep a tight time on the keep an eye a tight eye on the time if the schedules important, as we can get lost between the worlds with Mercury’s last day in Pisces. It can be hard to concentrate this morning, our minds may want to take back seat to our hearts, creativity, and intuition; let’s drift, but not get lost between the worlds. This energy shifts radically this evening as Mercury sextiles Pluto and enters Aries, our conversation deepens, action picks up, our minds sharpen. Step away from contentiousness and choose curiosity.

Moon sextile Jupiter 10:27 AM, Moon square Uranus 10:49 AM, Mercury sextile Pluto 9:23 PM, Mercury enters Aries 10:23 PM.

Sunday, March 19: Notice confusion, irritation, kindliness, and a chance to reassess responsibilities this morning. Low energy and high nerves rev as the Moon enters Pisces and conjuncts Saturn while Mercury semi-squares Uranus. Figure out what needs to be specifically understood, transmitted or managed, and let the rest float away on this last full day of winter.

Moon trine Mars 4:32 AM, Moon enters Pisces 9:11 AM, Moon conjuncts Saturn, 11:27 Am, Mercury semi-square Uranus1:15 PM, Moon sextile Venus 2:54 PM, Mercury semi-sextile Saturn 3:30 pm, Jupiter semi-sextile Uranus 4:05 pm.

Monday, March 20: Happy astrological New Year as the Sun enters Aries at 3:24 PM MDT and initiates spring. Expect signals to be mixed, feelings to be ambiguous as if we are stepping on the gas and the brakes the same time; the waning Pisces Moon keeps the energy soft while the Sun and Mercury in contrary Aries heats us up. Prepare for a new chapter.

Moon sextiles Uranus 11:33 AM, Sun sextile Pluto 2:12 PM, Sun enters Aries 3:24 PM.

Tuesday, March 21: The new moon in Aries today at 11:23 AM MDT is a true turning point; launch a project, proposal, or revolution; clarify the next steps. The mood is combustible, note what get started as it might catch fire in the worst or best of ways. Make this energy safe by staying alert and situationally aware.

Moon conjunct Neptune 2:19 Am, Jupiter semi-sextile Saturn 3:26 AM, Moon square Mars 6:54 AM, Moon sextile Pluto 9:57 AM, Moon enters Aries 10:01 AM, Moon conjunct the Sun 11:22 AM, Moon conjunct Mercury 7:33 PM, Sun semi-square Uranus, 11:43 PM,

Wednesday, March 22: Spring fever erupts in full force; explore, connect, flirt, meet, engage. People can be abrupt, inconsiderate because they’re not listening to us, but are to their own inner call. Listen deeply to a new agenda of the soul. Let’s take the reins and steer our life into a healthier, more sustainable direction.

Mercury semi-sextile Venus 7:13 Am, Sun semi-sextile Saturn 8:59 am, Moon conjunct Jupiter, 2:16 PM.

Thursday, March 23: Take note of world events today as Pluto enters Aquarius and hints at the decades ahead. The moon enters Taurus midday and reminds us that our new ideas and relationships will take work. Begin and continue.

Pluto enters Aquarius 6:14 AM, Moon enters Taurus, 12:41 PM, Moon squares Pluto 12:42 PM, Moon sextile Saturn 3:56 PM.



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead
Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Written by Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer and ceremonialist, authored Starcodes: Navigate Your Chart with Choice-Based Astrology + AstroOracle deck.

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