Starcodes March 11, 2022 Heather Roan Robbins

Battle lines and love affairs pivot on our philosophies. Action follows our hearts and our intentions as Venus, the symbolic arbiter of our emotions, conjuncts proactive Mars in communal Aquarius this week.

Over this last week we’ve been at an astrological and astronomical pivot point. The last cycle was unusually quiet, meaning that a lot of political change and searching for new answers never quite built the momentum it needed for lift off, the ideas were there, some change was accomplished but not as much as we’d hoped back in 2008. This cycle kicked in full time with a bang as the Russians invaded Ukraine. It looks to be a doozy, though we won’t know until it hits its maximum some time in 2025 or later.

Back to the Venus and Mars Aquarian conjunction, it encourages collective action in the community, family, country, or block of countries, and we can watch this play out in the global response towards the Russian Ukrainian war. Community pressure can really make a difference at home and abroad, for better or for worse. Let’s stay engaged and see how we can help.

With this conjunction it’s easy to be theoretically compassionate towards people far away but could be harder to be concretely sympathetic nearby. So let’s inventory the people close to us, consciously check in and ask what people need. Get the car’s oil changed and deal with the practical and emotional maintenance that allows us to stay involved. Choose to keep hearts open while staying aware of the global events.

The weekend begins under an introspective, cozy-seeking Cancer Moon which helps us appreciate our own home and sympathize with those being forced away from theirs far away.

Early next week we may not able to see far ahead as the Sun conjuncts Neptune and Venus and Mars semi-square both. It will be hard to get a clear picture of what’s going on the front lines, information could be missing from our understanding of the world or from our more personal situations.

One definition of anxiety is a misuse of our imagination. Throughout this week our imagination can work overtime, imagining the worst or escaping to the best, so let’s give it a job to do and keep it out of trouble. As with any Neptune transit it helps to proceed as if we’re walking in the fog, to remember where we’re…

Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins is a choice-oriented astrologer and ceremonialist, author of Starcodes Oracle Deck and 4 books-with an on-line practice