Starcodes June 7, 2019
Enjoy moments of beauty, streaks of loveliness like a raven’s flight at sunset or violet blossom in the undergrowth; as the Sun in Gemini opposes Jupiter this weekend it brings an ephemeral sense of joy and humor. Liberating moments that can ease our souls and smooth our interactions.
We’ll need these moments for resilience, because underneath this lush late spring bounty growls a more substantial conversation. A growing Mercury — Mars conjunction imbues us with the power to be decisive, we just have to make sure we make good decisions and not knee-jerk reactions. Both Mars and Mercury are presently out of bounds, that is beyond (north of) the usual path of the sun. When planets go beyond the yearly path of the sun, what they symbolize seem to let go of normal constraints and take on a wildcard quality, for better or worse. As an example, D. Trump has both his Mercury and Pluto out of bounds in his natal chart, which reads astrologically as someone who does not feel societal restraints on what he thinks or says (Mercury) or his concept of the use of power (Pluto). Chew on that symbol for a bit.
As Mercury conjunct Mars over the next few weeks, peaking on June 17, conversations are going to get fierce. The conjunction encourages us to engage powerful debate about what actually keeps us safe and helps us thrive concerning our health, family, food and food production, home and homeland. This can potentially translate into crankiness or worrywart attitude, or devolve into politically mean comments in the headlines. But it can go much deeper and become decisively productive if we choose to take it there. We have to face some tough stuff. It may not be an easy conversation, but could be worthwhile as this Mercury/Mars conjunction in the domestic, guarded, deeply feeling sign of Cancer opposes serious Saturn and Pluto.
This weekend begins festively, if with melodramatic undertones, under a cheerful Leo Moon, Friday night we’re encouraged to stroll under the moonlight and dance the night away. Saturday through Monday the mood is more productive, verbal but a little spacey; the stars encourage quick conversations with many people, easily-interruptible projects as Venus enters nervy Gemini under a busy nervy Virgo Moon. Our critical thinking is engaged. If we get anxious, we can sound more critical than we intend. We can get a lot done this weekend but may have trouble focusing on one thing at a time, better to circulate amongst our projects. Our work may nag at us even when are on a picnic, our thoughts may keep returning to what we need to do next. The beginning of the week can have some minor astrological discomforts, but looks to be generally productive.
On Wednesday our moods can grumble like a summer thunderstorm, we easily see what’s out of balance as the Libra Moon squares the taskmasters Mars, Saturn, and Pluto then enters Scorpio that night. Don’t read this mood onto innocent mishaps nearby, people may be klutzy or distracted but these little incidents aren’t the real cause of the mood. Tend the deeper issues.
Friday, June 7: We’ll tend to overstate our case on this on this talkative and generally fun day. Look for a pleasant change this morning, helpful new information or a chance to share a story as Mercury sextiles Uranus. Have patience, feelings get tweaked easily midafternoon. Opportunity abounds and emotions spill over this evening as the raucous Leo Moon trines expansive Jupiter. Enjoy a whiff of freedom.
Mercury sextile Uranus 8:16 AM, Mercury square Chiron 3:52 PM, Moon Sextile Sun 5:46 PM, Moon trine Jupiter 10:34 PM.
Saturday, June 8 The astrological weather is sociable and creative with sprinkled awkward moments this morning as the Moon in Leo squares Venus. Save the chores for midafternoon or later as when the Moon enters industrious Virgo. Break out of the ordinary tonight as Venus enters Gemini and stirs our desire for fresh pastures.
Moon square Venus 3:23 PM, Moon enters Virgo 3:44 PM, Venus enters Gemini 7:36 PM.
Sunday, June 9: Our thoughts and our feet wander as the Moon, Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune all form a grand square. We get to see all sides of a of a point of view, but nerves can wind up if we try to figure out what actually happened. Enjoy the wander, open the mind, consider possibilities; decisions precipitate out in a few days.
Moon trine Uranus 12:15 AM, Moon Sextile Mercury 5:32 AM, Sun square Neptune 1:33 PM, Moon Sextile Mercury 6:45 PM, Moon opposed Mercury 11:17 PM, Moon square Sun 11:59 PM.
Monday, June 10: Our thoughts may still spin in circles, but are more easily turned towards productivity. Watch the wandering thoughts, corral the nerves, and utilize this versatile multi-reference integrating thought pattern for good, not worry. We may have trouble concentrating but boy can we get a view of the big picture as we integrate many different ideas. The mood can be restless, hard to settle in one place, our ideals feel more important than the practical details, but if we can balance practicality and idealism, we can get it all done.
Moon trine Saturn 12:12 AM, Moon square Jupiter 12:42 AM, Moon trine Pluto 6:01 AM, son opposed Jupiter 9:27 AM, Moon enters Libra 6:28 PM, Moon trine Venus 10:55 PM.
Tuesday, June 11: We may want everything lovely and cooperative under a friendly Libra Moon trine Venus in Gemini, but a self-protective twitch can make us sound defensive even when we’re not feeling it. Be consciously tactful during an awkward phase midafternoon as the Moon squares Mercury. The stars loan us a sense of aesthetics, we can make important decisions around structural aesthetics, graphics, building, and personnel questions.
Moon opposed Chiron 4:02 AM, Moon square Mercury 3:02 PM.
Wednesday, June 12: it’s a complex day as where what looks too deceptively simple has layers and layers. General friendliness is easily upset with a whiff of injustice we brood over what is right and wrong as the Libra moon squares with the planetary tough guys Saturn, Pluto, and Mars. Watch for passive-aggressive undercurrents, keep it honest and straightforward. Focus on the beauty when a neutral point is needed. Storm clouds thicken as the Moon enters Scorpio tonight.
Moon square Mars 12:18 AM, Moon square Saturn 3:11 AM, Moon Sextile Jupiter 3:26 AM, Moon square Sun 6:57 AM, Moon square Pluto 9:15 AM, Moon enters Scorpio 10:02 PM.
Thursday, June 12: A change of mood can bring a change of heart this morning, but do question any sudden decisions as the Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus; we could have an important spontaneous response, but maybe not the best judgement. An old frustration or resentment can rear its head, but we can choose to release that resentment instead of clinging to it as motivating Mars trines dissolving Neptune. Be careful around water damage, be ready to move away from a flood or spilled cup. Think instead of what protects and nurtures all involved.
Moon opposes Uranus 7:10 AM, Venus sextile Chiron 11:09 AM.