Starcodes, June 30, 2023 Heather Roan Robbins
The fireworks could be lovely this week with Venus and Mars in Leo, hopefully most of the fireworks will be in the sky and not between people. Venus and Mars are running close together and both square Uranus, which can bring an unsettled, often exciting week. We look around for new situations, new friends, a different approach, which can bring the best and worst of interpersonal fireworks.
Last week Mars perfected its square to Uranus, and brought a spate of nerves, mechanical mishaps, irritation, dropped items, and, almost, a Russian revolt. And maybe a burst of energy to make a needed change or complete a project. We still feel that accidental irritation, that need for a pragmatic change this week, but it softens as the week goes by. This week Venus perfects its square to Uranus and can instigate a shift in aesthetics, a change in personnel and relationship dynamics. We may say goodbye to old friends and welcome new ones, or long to take a break and get away from it all.
Friday starts with a burst of efficiency as Mercury and the Sun trine Saturn and encourage competence, good boundaries and potentially pleasant decisions, but offer zero objectivity. The Sagittarius Moon beckons us outdoors for the holiday weekend, but it may be a little hard to see what’s going on in the moment. Keep an eye out for some tough weather conditions or confusing interpersonal signals on and off as Neptune stations and liquids get recalcitrant. As Neptune retrogrades it may also clear up some recent confusion and cause new and unusual confusion instead. Hidden objects can come to the surface, misunderstandings or attempts to bamboozle us can vanish in the mist.
A full Moon in Capricorn on Monday brings up some major control issues and could provoke challenging strategic moves on the big screen. It is a good time to ponder who controls our world and how they affect us, and what we want to do about it. But let’s not try to control one another. By midday on July 4 a communal Aquarius moon can bring us back out to the picnic and our other cultural celebrations.
Midweek we can feel a push and pull between the needs of the individual and the needs of the group. It can be like herding cats to get people in agreement, they may enjoy each other’s company and still have trouble cooperating. The week ends on a softer emotional moment, a need to just sit and catch up with ourselves.
Friday, June 30, 2023: Wake up feeling a bit different, decisions or minor shifts in identity cook overnight while Mercury trine Saturn. A Sagittarius Moon can bring a sense of humor on something that has felt so heavy for the last two days. The lost can be found, and the found, lost; something that felt so certain they become foggy, but what was foggy could clarify as Neptune stations retrograde. Just be careful around liquid, weather, intoxicants, and odd floods.
Mercury trine Saturn 12:23 AM, Moon trine Neptune 4:58 AM, Moon sextile Pluto 8:20 AM, Moon enters Sagittarius 8:59 AM, Neptune retrogrades 3:06 PM, Moon square Saturn 9:08 PM, the Sun conjunct Mercury 11:05 PM.
Saturday, July 1: Places to go, comments to make; important healing arises from radical acceptance as the Moon trines Venus, Mars, and Chiron all in fire signs. Expand the heart, grow our world by loving a bit more. Though casual rudeness or inconsiderate flash won’t be forgiven as Mercury semi-squares Mars; be honest but think before speaking.
Mercury sextile Jupiter 1:10 AM, Mercury semi-square Mars 2:49 AM, Sun sextile Jupiter 4:25 AM, Sun semi-square Mars 3:52 PM, moon trine Venus 9:21 PM.
Sunday, July 2: Look for opportunity in the glitches to form new connection or a moment of camaraderie. Take a break from who might be bugging you, but don’t walk out of the relationship. Traditions further, good for parades and picnics as the Moon waxes in the Capricorn. Watch a desire to control how other people act, as we can get a feeling that everything would be fun if they would just follow our script. But as Venus squares Uranus, that is just not going to happen.
Moon trine Mars 3:18 AM, Moon square Neptune 7:33 AM, Venus square Uranus 8:33 AM, Moon enters Capricorn 11:20 AM, Moon sextile Saturn 10:43 PM.
Monday, July 3: It’s a day to move armies or large family groupings with a full Moon in Capricorn early on, just make sure everybody is on the same page. Don’t get grim about having fun, nor apply your big plans to resistant minds. By evening, we’ll feel more flexible as the Moon trines changeable Uranus. That Moon encourages an experiment, a new form of fireworks, a chance to laugh about an earlier problem.
Moon trine Jupiter 3:02 AM, Moon opposes Sun 5:53 AM, Moon opposed Mercury 10:49 AM, Moon trine Uranus 10:29 PM.
Tuesday, July 4: Morning can bring a moody sense of what we’ve lost, left behind, or what we long for in a more perfect country as the Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. But by midday, the oon enters collective Aquarius making it easier to be around crowds; share that picnic or go to the rodeo. Just don’t ask anybody to think anything through to clearly, it can be a more felt sense and less rigorous thinking. Avoid political discussions, rigorous thinking is out the window.
Moon sextile Neptune 7:48 AM, Moon conjunct Pluto 10:45 AM, Moon enters Aquarius 11:29 AM.
Wednesday, July 5: An indecisive, philosophic day when we wonder why we’re doing what we’re doing as Mercury squares Chiron. Do explore possibilities. Indecision can follow from wandering around trying to figure out the best thing to do next. That’s okay , but don’t get too lost in the abstract, think of the minor tweaks, shifts to be made in the that will improve the situation.
Moon square Jupiter 3:28 AM, Mercury square Chiron 10:28 PM, Moon square Uranus 10:29 PM.
Thursday, July 6: If our feelings catch up with us, let’s ask for what we need directly rather than whimper as the sensitive Pisces Moon conjuncts Saturn. While Mars quincunx Neptune, expect some disagreement on what’s needed and give everyone permission to take care of themselves. Storms, both emotional and atmospheric, can quickly arise and as quickly pass over. Tonight, open the heart and share with humor.
Moon opposed Venus 1:37 AM, Moon opposes Mars 7:41 AM, Mars quincunx Neptune 9:47 AM, Moon enters Pisces 11:32 AM, Moon conjunct Saturn 10:47 PM, Venus sextile Uranus 10:54 PM.