Starcodes June 21, 2019 Heather Roan Robbins

Welcome to the sunniest weekend of the year (clouds willing) when the Sun appears to stand still for three days in its North, and then begins to rise farther and farther south each day. The Sun peaks at the moment of summer solstice this Friday morning at 9:54 AM MDT. Let that light into every corner of the soul, and every edge of the work at hand.

We need that sunlight to warm our hearts through some tricky aspects. Last week was the peak of one series of astrological tensions as Mercury conjunct Mars and both opposed Pluto. This line-up brought back the specter of war between USA and Iran, and stirred our self-doubts. We are recovering this week and are still dealing with the shivering aftermaths.

With the sun, Mercury, and Mars now all in the domestic sign of Cancer it’s a good time to do our homework. Quite literally, these planets want us to work on our house, our family, our country, or any domestic improvement project, as we’ll have more to offer when our home base is in good shape. If we can keep ourselves busy improving our world at home, we’ll have more energy to do the work out there in the world. Because this year the astrology brings to the crunch some big political and environmental questions as Saturn conjuncts Pluto and the south node, and we need to keep ourselves resilience and ready to do our part.

So, fix the screen door and make peace, or clean boundaries, with the neighbor. Direct this restless Mercury-`Mars conjunction towards improving the situation rather than improving/criticizing one another. Or defending ourselves as our defenses still run hair-trigger for the next few weeks.

For the next few weeks our emotions run full and strong. This week heart-centered Venus, now in verbal Gemini, opposes expansive Jupiter, and both square idealistic Neptune. We may deeply believe our ideals and want to talk about them, but can also get easily lost in our imagination, imagining the best or worst rather than see what’s actually going on. This confusion between our hopes and fears and real events can complicate friendships and politics. We need to check facts and check in with anyone we’re trying to help, get out of ourselves and get their point of view. It also helps to engage our imagination consciously, and put it constructive use. Write that story, paint that painting, vision the next chapter of life.

It’s helpful to get our home improvement projects and logistical conundrums planned out and on the way before Mercury retrogrades July 7–30. July will be a great month to take off and have a real summer, or use it to follow through on what we plan out now, because we won’t be particularly efficient at anything else. Mercury is already in its shadow, or in the part of the zodiac over which it appears to traverse while it’s retrograde, so we’re beginning to get that Mercury retrograde haze, and may get tired or spaced out more easily and have to track progress carefully.

The summer’s retrograde season gets into full swing even before Mercury turns around as Neptune turns retrogrades today, joining Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter already retrograde, further slowing down the season, helping us return to beautiful places and unfinished business, helping us revisit what works and release what doesn’t, and encouraging us catch up with ourselves.

Our emotions run full and strong this week, and want to be expressed as heart-centered Venus, now in verbal Gemini, opposes expansive Jupiter, and both square idealistic Neptune. We may deeply believe our ideals and want to talk about them, but can also get easily lost in our imagination, imagining the best or worst rather than see what is actually going on. This confusion between our hopes and fears and real events can complicate friendships and politics. We need to check facts and check in with anyone we’re trying to help, and get their side of the story.

Monday evening the Moon enters Aries and revs up action, willfulness, and the desire for spontaneity through midweek. Mercury enters fixed sign Leo, the Moon enters fixed sign Taurus late Wednesday- early Thursday, which can leave us set in our ways, willing to make changes but only if we instigate them. Mercury in Leo helps us spin our stories.

Friday, June 21: Feel the turning of the season as the Sun enters Cancer this morning at 9:54 AM. The friendly, communal Aquarius Moon trines creative Venus and helps make it a wonderful day to celebrate with others or to feel the community of humankind celebrating this first day of summer together on the energetic realms. Spiritual matters further, but we may be a little spacey and forget what we’re doing, a little trouble with sequential thought as Neptune stations retrograde. Share and connect, keep the touch light, weave community. We get more personal over the weekend.

Moon trine Venus 1:41 AM, Moon sextile Jupiter 8:01 AM, Neptune retrograde 8:35 AM, the Sun enters Cancer 9:54 AM.

Saturday, June 22: People’s emotions will echo off one another as the Moon enters sensitive Pisces this morning and trines the sun. Our intuition is strong, we swim in a psychic soup. Good changes can come from honoring our feelings, and those of others, rather than riding them over. Engage in a conversation about change later in the day as the moon sextiles Uranus. Engage the unusual.

Moon enters Pisces 8:01 AM, Moon trine Venus 9:57 AM, Moon sextile Uranus 7:20 PM.

Sunday, June 23: Strange things can trigger off an excess of emotion while emotional Venus opposes generous Jupiter exactly, all while the Moon conjuncts intuitive, imaginative Neptune. Waters flood, tears and laughter flow. We feel one another’s feelings. We can echo fears, worries, or joy, depending who we’re around and what we choose to tune into, or we can take the lead and send out emotions we want others to echo. Balance personal boundaries and compassion.

Venus opposed Jupiter 10:44 AM, Moon square Jupiter 8:03 PM, Moon sextile Saturn 9:09 PM, Moon square Venus 9:13 PM, Moon conjunct Neptune 9:55 PM.

Monday, June 24: We may feel a little disoriented this morning, still processing the weekend and in that intuitive, emotional flow as Venus squares Neptune. The stars support us to return to ourselves midday, energy and movement pick up as the Moon trines both Mars and Mercury, but our thinking can become reactive. Honor the feelings but question the thoughts. We kick into higher gear, and can feel stronger, more independent and action-oriented tonight as the Moon enters Aries.

Venus square Neptune 3:58 AM, Moon sextile Pluto 5:17 AM, Moon trine Mars 11:21 AM, Moon trine Mercury 5:10 PM, Moon enters Aries 8:37 PM

Tuesday, June 25: We’ll have access to the energy to do what needs doing, but can waste time in rebellious irritation. Use that Aries Moon energy wisely; it’s more healing to honor some inner calling, go adventuring or get things done, rather than argue about another person’s priorities. Create rather than resist. Independent action furthers.

Moon square Sun 3:46 AM, Moon conjunct Chiron 8:20 AM.

Wednesday, June 26: We’ll be open to overtures and new ideas today, though things may not come out quite the way we want. Willfulness competes with impatience and can produce mistakes unless we walk carefully and choose our words wisely. We can get frustrated easily, but can choose to use that to energize our accomplishments rather than to throw objects across the room.

Moon trine Jupiter 7:20 AM, Moon square Saturn 8:37 AM, Moon sextile Venus 3:38 PM Moon square Pluto 4:42 PM, Mercury enters Leo 6:19 PM.

Thursday, June 27: After a potentially irritable early morning as the moon square Mars, we can calm down and taste the summer as the Moon and our mood enter steadier, sybaritic Taurus for the next few days. We still may want to move furniture or move politics as both the Moon and the Sun form aspects to change-making Uranus, but we can do so with less heat and better tactics.

Moon square Mars 1:51 AM, Moon enters Taurus 7:31 AM, Moon square Mercury 8:22 AM, Sun sextile Uranus 11:45 AM, Sun square Chiron 1:59 PM, Moon conjunct Uranus 6:34 PM, Moon sextile Sun 7:06 PM.

Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead
Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Written by Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer and ceremonialist, authored Starcodes: Navigate Your Chart with Choice-Based Astrology + AstroOracle deck.

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