Starcodes June 14, 2019
We have a planetary traffic jam this week. A few planets conjunct on one side of the zodiac oppose a few conjunct on the other, and the Moon dances over that pattern; this creates a series of aspects that can either neutralize each other or magnify the difficulties, depending upon what energies we tune into and how we respond. Free will and grace always co-create with the planetary patterns. We could easily feel overwhelmed or called to protect something important, like our relationship, our country, or our ecosystem.
We could as easily move into protective mode about something much less important, nor nothing at all, just because we’re feeling edgy. Visualize a brilliant and vigilant claws-snapping crab, and know we could all channel that at the drop of a hat, emotionally defending our position, rationalizing brilliantly, even when we’re not particularly attached to the outcome of the conversation. Accusing a country of blowing up a boat with no evidence. Possibly getting a stomachache in the process. Mercury, symbolizing our thinking, now conjuncts feisty, aggressive Mars in the nurturing and protective sign of Cancer, ruler of the stomach. Mercury and Mars conjunct the North Lunar Node and oppose Saturn and Pluto, sitting on the South Lunar Node. The nodes imply layers of Karmic machinations within events. Keep peppermint tea on tap, and don’t swallow feelings.
On Friday a Scorpio Moon helps us dive into both work and into our contentious nature. If our focus is clear, we can stay on point easily and make things happen. If we’re feeling contentious, we can wind out in the wrong direction, our thinking becomes specious when we get upset. Just watch the headlines.
The outdoors calls us over the weekend as the Moon and our mood enters open, diversity-seeking Sagittarius, building up to a full Moon in Sagittarius early on Monday morning, just as Mercury opposes Saturn. This Moon can help us laugh at ourselves in otherwise difficult situations, gives us a bit more emotional capacity to think through work and let go of what needs to be released so that we can focus on what needs to be engaged.
Another important aspect pushes us to not escape (though that may be tempting, and we need to know when to take a break) but take a more creative, and spiritually philosophical view of the problem at hand. Jupiter squares Neptune this weekend, the second of three passes this year. They first squared on January 13, 2019, square now; the last of the three passes will be this coming fall equinox.
Around the middle the next week some personal and political issues may come to a head as Mars and Mercury conjunct exactly opposite Pluto. Decisions need to be made. Sabers rattle in the headlines. And, without any tense fanfare necessary, some chapters end and new ones begin. We don’t have to buy into a wave of defensive drama. We can let go of what is inessential, weed our gardens, and pare down to what’s important.
Friday, June 14: Set a clear boundary, but do it with firmness rather than with bazookas. Notice an inner tension between the need to connect and a desire for solitude, find a way to do both rather than take it out on others. Imaginary inspiration kicks in, but so do some logistical frustrations. We’ll hate interruptions, but there may be plenty. Notice questions about authority, and whose right it is to make a decision; don’t take it personally, see it as a good theoretical question instead. Tonight, the energy runs deep rather than loud
Mars trine Neptune 12:11 AM, Moon trine Mercury 1:32 AM, Moon trine Neptune 6:53 AM, Moon trine Mars 7:12 AM, Moon sextile Saturn 7:21 AM, Mars opposed Saturn 9:49 AM, Moon sextile Pluto 1:45 PM.
Saturday, June 15: The mood picks up; we are called to frolic, the outdoors beckons and dogs need a walk. Truth may seem easier to speak, but if a charge builds, direct it towards the problem and not the people involved. Evening brings a funny, restless mood, we may need comic relief instead of personal connection.
Moon enter Sagittarius 3:02 AM, Moon opposed Venus 6:22 PM.
Sunday, June 16: It is practical to talk about climate change. Our inspiration can feel set against practicalities, but let’s not believe those who can’t see hopeful possibilities. Follow up on an ideal with practical steps forward; make it so as Mercury trines Neptune and opposes Saturn. Dance in the moonlight or talk late into the night, as sleep may be fugitive.
Mercury trine Neptune 5:42 AM, Mercury oppose Saturn 8:02 AM, Jupiter square Neptune 9:21 AM, Moon conjunct Jupiter 1:08 PM, Moon square Neptune 1:10 PM.
Monday, June 17: The Moon is full in Sagittarius at 2:30 this morning, then enters practical Capricorn and asked us to get down to business about 10:30 AM. Even if we’re on vacation, it is a morning of competence, where we want to check things off the list, make sure something gets done, check back in with projects that are simmering on the back burner. Watch for manipulative people, don’t take the bait, make them ask for it directly.
Moon opposed the Sun 2:30 AM, Moon enters Capricorn 10:13 AM, Moon trine Uranus 8:29 PM, Moon square Chiron 9:05 PM,
Tuesday, June 18: Surgical decisions need to be made as Mercury conjuncts Mars. Be clear but no more sharp-edged than necessary. People will tend to say no, maybe a few strong yesses, but mostly they want the decks cleared, so be careful about requests. If someone starts to get nasty mean, walk away. If temper spikes, eat first and think about the situation again when blood sugar is leveled off.
Saturn sextile Neptune 5:46 AM, Mercury conjunct Mars 10:04 AM, Moon conjunct Saturn 9:53 PM, Moon sextile Neptune 9:58 PM.
Wednesday, June 19: Our minds are drawn to the most serious of issues as Mercury oppose Pluto, we may have trouble looking on the sunny side. Some tough reality may come blatantly clear. Don’t get caught in depressive circles, but do look carefully at all sides the question and take one step towards a positive outcome.
Moon opposed Mars 4:21 AM, Mercury oppose Pluto 4:55 AM, Moon conjunct Pluto 5:16 AM, Moon opposed Mercury 5:18 AM, Moon enters Aquarius 8 PM, Mars opposes Pluto 9:26 PM.
Thursday, June 20: Healing relaxation after this week’s work push and series of tough decisions. If we’ve been vacillating, or the situation has been wobbling, we now begin to see which way the path unfolds. Prepare connections, check in for places of mutual support and help. Witness one another’s story and offer camaraderie.
Moon squares Uranus 6:56 AM. Moon sextiles Chiron 7:27 AM.