Member-only story
Starcodes June 12, 2020 Heather Roan Robbins
It’s been a tough few weeks but we could at least say Mercury was not retrograde. That changes at the end of this week. Already Mercury appears to slow down from our vantage point here on earth just as Active Mars exactly conjuncts dissolving, imaginative, spirit-filled Neptune in Pisces over the weekend, and the situation will both charge our collective consciousness, and be thoroughly confusing. It can seem so clear to each person what’s happening, but if you poll any three people you will get differing stories.
Now is the time to roll with any project which calls for creative imagination. But boundaries become an abstract concept with Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Mars refers to our inner warrior. For a person Mars speaks of our emotional defenses, our desire nature, and our immune system; for a country it speaks of our national immune system, our police, and army, as well as our driving force. Mars describes that fierce warrior spirit which is a gift when it’s acting to protect the body and people and inspiring us to meet challenges but becomes a terrible autoimmune problem when it overreacts and attacks the body or the body politic. Under this conjunction we are dealing with both a rise in Covid cases nationally, a cellular crossing of boundaries, and a call for a Neptunian dissolution of Martian police forces as they now stand. Both issues call for a new Neptunian vision of what defines a healthy Mars, and asks us how can we create and support this vision.