Starcodes July 22, 2022

The Sun joins Mercury in Leo and heralds the rich and abundant mid-summer Leo season. It calls us to step out of the house and join the festival- as safely as we can with Covid still wafting through the air. Leo rules the heart and the hearth, so this influx of Leo energy encourages each one of us to be a hearth-fire for our community, to shine and enrich the lives around us. It can bring out our inner Lionheart and add extra bravery and generosity, help us see the light in one another. Our we could just act out or laze about — it is up to us.



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins is a choice-oriented astrologer and ceremonialist, author of Starcodes Oracle Deck and 4 books-with an on-line practice