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Starcodes July 12, 2019 Heather Roan Robbins

The mood is slow and emotional. If life gets hectic, sit still, if just for a minute. Summer’s heat and five planets retrograde ask us to take our time, think through everything we’re doing. Catch up and reconnect with our past, work on old projects, and handle life right here right now. Tend to the woes of the world, and there are so many right now. Deal with what’s already on the plate, and that’s a lot this week the major planetary patterns and process. Speeding up will be counterproductive. If we start up brand-new project it will probably have to be redone, the basic ideas can be sketched out and researched. Mercury, Jupiter, Chiron, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, all now appear to head backwards against the zodiac.

Unfortunately, this slowness also applies to storm systems, weather patterns can get stuck in a rut, too much water in one place and not enough in another, which is worrisome as a storm bears down on already waterlogged New Orleans as the Sun comes to oppose Pluto this weekend. On January 13, June 16, Sept 21, Jupiter (abundance) and Neptune (water) square exactly, each strong in their own sign, though we feel it all year long. The pragmatic effect is uneven water, a surplus of water, floods, in some places, droughts in others, exacerbating climate change. Jupiter and Neptune were opposite in the great Mississippi flood of Dec 1926, square at the New England flood of March 1936 (exact during the winter before- whose great snow melt caused the flood), and trine during hurricane Katrina. Be careful out there.



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead
Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Written by Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer and ceremonialist, authored Starcodes: Navigate Your Chart with Choice-Based Astrology + AstroOracle deck.

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