Starcodes January 6, 2023

It could be hard to be back at work after the winter holidays, it’s so tempting to stay curled up and take some private time off and comfort our introverted facets. Particularly as this weekend begins under the Full Moon Cancer, called either the Wolf Moon or the Stay-Home Moon. Maybe if we don’t stay home we’ll want to howl.

Every full Moon highlights some tension in our life as the Sun and Moon oppose. This Cancer Full Moon highlights any tension between our work lives and our vulnerable need to nest and rest, between our pragmatic logic and our potentially overflowing emotions, between domestic needs and foreign constructs. We could play this out between ourselves and our beloveds or between ourselves and our work, or factions in our politics. Recognize that tension and find a way of honoring both, find a balance point in between.

We are in flux for the next few weeks. The Sun, Mercury, and Pluto in Capricorn push us to start the new year with confidence and efficiency, while Mercury and Mars retrograde, and that Full Moon, slow us down and ask us to review first. We could review our work to remember where we left off, or need to reminisce over our childhood, process recent events, or review world history. Look back to glean some important wisdom before leaping forward



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer and ceremonialist, authored Starcodes: Navigate Your Chart with Choice-Based Astrology + AstroOracle deck.