Member-only story
Starcodes January 31, 2025
We’re halfway through winter, Sunday marks the Celtic cross quarter day of Imbolc, time to take animal auguries, read seed catalogs, and get ready for the active growing season ahead. Nowadays we usually just consult the groundhog, but it is a great time to notice what our four-legged, many-legged, winged, and finned relatives have to say to us. Notice what our two-legged brethren do also and contemplate what it augurs for the next seven generations.
As the weekend begins, we may feel permeable, painfully aware of our worldly vulnerability, viscerally feeling that vulnerability in our fellow humans, as Venus conjuncts Neptune under a sensitive Pisces Moon. Avoid emergency rooms unless essential as germs fly about. But this permeability can also open a conduit for the power of the artist and for our sweetness between beloveds. Use this more delicate moment to tend relationships which may have been upstaged by world events this week.
The Moon shifts out of winter’s overwhelm and into action by Monday. The Moon enters feisty, brave Aries this weekend and Venus enters Aries on Tuesday bringing us a taste of the action coming this spring when the Sun enters Aries March 20 and Neptune enters Aries March 30. Neptune is slow, the last time it enters Aries was in 1861, the week the American Civil War began.