Member-only story
Starcodes Jan 8, 2021 Heather Roan Robbins
Dynamic changes are in the works as three planets change signs. Mars left Aries after six irascible months with a final dramatic flare (and a solar flare) in Washington on Wednesday and entered Taurus as the senate finally affirmed the vote for the new president. Mental Mercury enters collaborative Aquarius and Venus enters pragmatic Capricorn today; all this helps our moods calm down, our stubbornness and determination increase, and can open our mind if we let it.
We’re not over our irascibility completely; as the weekend begins Mercury forms an irritating square to Mars which can entrench stubborn debates. As the Moon is now in Scorpio, the sign that never forgets, just watch the accusations fly. The Moon shifts to more humorous Sagittarius over the weekend as Mercury conjuncts serious Saturn, a wonderfully competent organizational aspect that can really help us get ourselves together for this next season, though the weights of the world lean in on us. Consequences come home to roost- and get roasted.
Venus and Mars now form a trine in practical and sensual earth signs for the next few weeks which encourages compassionate action, cuddling, and camaraderie and can soften the other tough planetary dances ahead. We want less fiery words and more concrete action and will value accountability. Let’s show we love one another by what we do, not just what we say.
Early next week a Capricorn new Moon begins a new cycle of responsibility and structure as it encourages work that has a beginning, middle, and an end, small…