Starcodes February 26, 2021 Heather Roan Robbins

The Moon waxes full in Virgo this weekend; we may just get cranky, feel the first stirrings of spring cleaning or enjoy the early sparks of flirtatious spring fever.

This full Moon asks us what needs clearing, is it the dust from our minds, bitterness from our heart? Does our diet need to be refreshed, our politicians winnowed, or is it just our closets or desk that need decluttering. Virgo energy can be nervy, prickly, editorial, or creatively heart-centered, it’s up to us which way we play it. We can use this energy to anxiously complain, we can clear, clean and create room…

Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins is a choice-oriented astrologer and ceremonialist, author of Starcodes Oracle Deck and 4 books-with an on-line practice