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Starcodes December 9, 2022

Bake cookies, adopt a puppy, or find some other way to bring in coziness and nurturance this weekend as the Moon traverses homey, cuddly, if self-protective Cancer. If life gets strange- get crafty; make ornaments, bake, wrap a package, or build. Busy hands soothe the nerves and become a stabilizing meditation.

This crafty steadiness can help with some ongoing emotional rollercoasters. Ghosts and old memories from holidays past can stir through our back brain throughout the week. We may long for old traditions or feel strangely competitive as creative Venus joins mental Mercury in historically oriented Capricorn. These Capricorn planets can help us stay efficient and get the work done before the holidays kick in but can also bring out a controlling streak. We can grow impatient with people who get in the way of our work or find ourselves arguing over the perfect decorations. We could unproductively want to control what other people are wearing or doing, or how they celebrate their marriage or the winter holidays, especially through this weekend as Mercury semi-squares Saturn.

If we notice any ongoing irritation, and we may with Mars still retrograde and out of bounds in nervy Gemini, let’s not blame it on other people our situation. Instead, let’s stop and listen to what we actually need and take responsibility for our joy. Be pleasantly surprised at how willing many…



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead
Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Written by Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer and ceremonialist, authored Starcodes: Navigate Your Chart with Choice-Based Astrology + AstroOracle deck.

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