Member-only story
Starcodes December 25, 2021 Heather Roan Robbins
The stars point to a very different Christmas this year. It will suffer if we compare it to Christmases past or try to make it just like normal, but can be a beautiful time- heartfelt and close- perfect in its own way, if we leave the comparisons alone.
We enter a deep turning point in this magical week between Christmas and new year, that Bardo moment between the years. Many plans will be canceled or changed at the last minute as Saturn finishes its third of three squares to Uranus this year. An aspect which called for constant adjustments in our plans and shifted tectonic plates, family dynamics, political alliances incrementally but profoundly. Mercury conjunct Pluto this week bring our mind more to what’s missing, what we’ve lost, and making it hard to see what we can plant in the newly-cleared ground. But the new year will bring many changes.
There is a great old child’s story “It could always be worse”, a story where one family complained to their Rabbi how crowded they are, how miserable they are, always fighting. The Rabbi said “bring a chicken into your house”, and after much protest they did. They returned to say “we have all the same problems- only now with feathers in the soup”! So he replied “ bring in your goat” and they did. The family soon returned with the same complaints, but now with added bruises from the goat. Slowly the Rabbi worked through all…