Starcodes December 23, 2022
Let life slow down this holiday week. Mercury appears to slow down, hold still, and then turn retrograde on Thursday, which is wonderful for those moments when we can truly let go of our busy lives, celebrate the turn of the season, and rest. The Sun is at its lowest ebb in this northern hemisphere, starting on the 23rd the days begin to grow longer. As long as we take our time and don’t stress about doing things just right, all can be well. Though that can be a tall order
We celebrate the return of the light in such a wonderful bouquet of holidays from around the globe. The Solstice holidays of Christmas, Hanukkah, Saturnalia, Soyal, Yalda, Kwanzaa, Festivus, all do their Capricornian work to reconnect us with chosen family, reconnect us with our important cultural traditions and the values of goodwill, respect, mutual responsibility, and generosity — all deep Capricornian values which help us knit our world together.
The weekend begins with Friday’s New Moon, along with Mercury, Venus, and Pluto in competent and determined Capricorn, which resonates through the weekend and nudges us to do something, anything. It can impart a willfulness to push and pull at our life, our cooking, or at one another. We’ll tend to feel like we should be working, but really won’t feel like it. It will further to rest, do the projects we want to do, look at our familial traditions and make our own choice about what to continue and inhabit.
A friendlier, more relaxed Aquarius Moon on Christmas Day can help us gather and appreciate our circles if we can laugh about our foibles and let each one show up just as they are. Be amazed at the diversity of ways we turn this yearly corner and reach back into the light.
Next week begins under a sensitive Pisces Moon- so let’s take it slow and gentle and give each other the great gift of attentive listening. Keep the rhythm slow and thoughtful even as the pulse speeds up when the Moon enters determined Aries on Thursday — because Mercury turns retrograde for the next three weeks and complicates any rush. The harder we push, the loser and more complicated our situation can get. Get busier, but keep the heart open, patience on tap, and be able to laugh at the delays and complications.
The politics of this time could be rough as Chiron turns direct while Mercury retrogrades. Old problems circle back and need the next layer of work. Let’s not let that discourage us, even if in makes us sigh. But instead remember to apply what we’ve recently learned. Progress is incremental.
Capricorn’s other set of instructions is for us to make new goals, new resolutions, find new mountains to climb in the year ahead. Capricorn’s symbol is a goat, and mountain goats look silly on flat terrain. Between now and the new year- let’s ponder where we want to aim in the year ahead.
Friday, December 23: Come home to oneself, make thoughtful decisions about family and cultural traditions after this early New Moon in Capricorn. It can be important to feel in control of some element in our lives- our food, decorations, work, but please do not try to control others. Invite instead. Create beauty and take a step forward into a life in balance.
Moon enters Capricorn 12:49 AM, Moon squares Jupiter 1:13 AM, Chiron turns direct 2:30 AM, Moon conjunct the Sun 3:16 AM.
Saturday, December 24: A lovely Moon-Venus conjunction, visible just after sunset, adds a glow to the whole day as long as we say what we mean and mean what we say. Don’t try to do things just right, do it with love, be loyal to the inner ideal and not the details or with any manipulative override. Mercury sextiles Neptune and adds a glow, offers a good story line, but can leave us fuzzy headed. Reminisce and share stories of the years gone by.
Moon trine Uranus 1:01 AM, Moon conjunct Venus 5:16 AM, Moon conjunct Mercury 12:32 PM, Moon sextile Neptune 12:47 PM, Mercury sextile Neptune 6:17 PM, Moon conjunct Pluto 8:10 PM.
Sunday, December 25: Gather in person, by phone or video call as the Moon enters communal Aquarius- forget having deep personal talks-enjoy the communal buzz or take a moment alone. Instead of emotional revelations, talk symbolism, metaphysics, world-view, and how to solve the world’s great problems; share ideas and wonderful food rather than try to convince anyone. Afternoon flows more smoothly, we can avoid arguments in a restless patch if we stretch our legs and get physical as the Moon trines Mars.
Moon enters Aquarius 12:13 AM, Moon sextile Jupiter 12:56 AM, Moon trine Mars 4:34 PM.
Monday, December 26: Do not take others’ preoccupation personally. On this odd, disjointed day it furthers to have a project to throw oneself into. We may want to push and pull at one another, better to tackle some project instead. Conversation can grow more serious, decisions clarify, ponder about what is, and what is not, our responsibility as the Moon conjuncts Saturn.
Moon square Uranus 12:34 AM, Moon conjunct Saturn 11:19 AM.
Tuesday, December 27: Feelings sensitize, guilt makes us twitchy and we feel it so easily as the Moon enters Pisces and squares Mars. Compassion runs strong, but so can self-pity. It will feel good to do something actually positive for another, but make sure it is what is really needed and not just performative to make oneself feel better. Make it a gentle day with few expectations and be happy for whatever works.
Moon enters Pisces 12:33 AM, Moon sextile Sun 10:23 AM, Moon square Mars 4:53 PM.
Wednesday, December 28: We are still touchy, sensitive, generally well-meaning as Venus sextiles Neptune but could be easily frustrated as nothing seems to go as planned. Roll with it and improvise. Mercury appears to hold still and the Sun challenges Saturn, both loan us technical challenges. Keep the schedule loose and allow time for glitches. Put form into function; practical beauty furthers. Check in with one another rather than assume anything. It could be a lovely evening to rest, watch a movie, or disappear into dream or meditation.
Venus sextile Neptune 1:31 AM, Moon sextile Uranus 2:02 AM, Sun semi-square Saturn 2:19 PM, Moon conjunct Neptune 3:05 PM, Moon sextile Venus 4:24 PM, Moon sextile Mercury 5:43 PM, Moon sextile Pluto 11:20 PM.
Thursday, December 29: Move and speak with mindfulness. Work with the moment as the Aries Moon steps up the speed and power, but Mercury turns retrograde and complicates. Before arguing, let’s check to make sure we heard what was intended and get any chips off the shoulder. Our ability to concentrate and accomplish anyway is supported by a conjunction between Venus and Mercury in competent Capricorn; because of this aspect we can speak with passion, which is wonderful if we’re seeing clearly — but a real problem if we are off on the wrong path. Let’s watch where we are going.
Mercury turns retrograde 2:31 AM, Moon enters Aries 3:36 AM, Moon conjunct Jupiter 5:11 AM, Mercury conjunct Venus 6:58 AM, Moon square Sun 6:20 PM, Moon sextile Mars 8:17 PM.