Starcodes December 16, 2022 Heather Roan Robbins
Hold still for a moment during this darkest week in the northern hemisphere. The Sun rises and sets around the same time for three days around Wednesday’s winter solstice. Even in this busy season, find solace and rest in the deep quiet during this liminal moment, in a break between major transits, in the dark winter’s chill. Search for our universal connection in that quiet.
Like a dormant tree, let this quiet seep into the bones to renew because it’s going to be a busy season ahead. We can use that quiet to contemplate what we want to launch this year as Jupiter enters Aries. Jupiter symbolizes what opens us, expands our world, broadens our horizons and brings us bounty, but the quality of that bounty is up to us. Look for the arrival of interesting people and open doors as well as new problems that hit crisis as Jupiter enters exuberant, direct, brave, urgent, revolutionary Aries.
Jupiter in Aries can expand our entrepreneurial or revolutionary spirit and help us get back up to speed after the pandemic’s great pause, but it could also increase the opportunity for militaristic intervention. To see how it affects us both personally and culturally we can think back to when Jupiter was last in Aries (Jupiter enters Aries for roughly a year every 12 years) in 1963, 75, 87, 99, 2010–11, and last May through October. Look to pick up some opportunities that started last summer when Jupiter dipped into Aries but got put on hold when Jupiter retrograded back into Pisces.
Jupiter now gives us an urgent Aries green light but we may not see any substantial progress until the end of January. because our symbolic organizer, Mercury, turns retrograde December 29 through January 18, and insists we review, revise and remember before we launch into 2023 with gusto. We are already in the shadow of Mercury retrograde and could begin to feel those strange glitches which can try our patience and make life so interesting.
This weekend could bring warmhearted moments as the planets asked us to stop and talk, see the beauty of the world in the twinkling lights encouraged by the Sun in exploratory Sagittarius and the Moon in friendly, relational Libra. Not all will be sweetness and light though, Venus and Mercury- now out of bounds (outside of the Sun’s yearly path)- in pragmatic, goal-oriented Capricorn, forms an inspiring trine to transformative Uranus and insist we stay aware of the world’s serious issues, think outside of the box, and make constructive changes on all levels. Though we may not agree on what that looks like.
Mars, our motivator and agitator is still retrograde in nervy, talkative Gemini and also out of bounds, and keeps the dialogue hopping and our nerves edgy. We can use this time to let go of old resentments, but first they must surface and come to our notice.
Early next week our concentration sharpens under a pointed Scorpio Moon, but if it stirs those hidden resentments- let those resentments fly away like grumbling blackbirds and stay focused on the real issues at hand. A clear boundary may need to be set. Take that moment of quiet and deep rest before the winter solstice, and when we do speak let’s engage juicy, deep conversations.
On Wednesday the Moon enters upbeat Sagittarius, the Sun enters Capricorn at 2:48 PM MST and winter begins. For the next few days celebrate the slow return of the Sun, the warmth, and the hopefulness of a new year ahead.
Friday, December 16: Morning can be efficient but prickly with a sarcastically humorous edge as an edgy Virgo Moon opposes Jupiter. Take care of health questions, manage stress, and celebrate health. The Moon enters Libra midday for a more relaxed and sociable afternoon, perfect for a holiday party. We can feel as if a weight has been lifted though people may be clumsy in their relief.
Moon square sun 1:56 AM, Moon trine Pluto 7:24 AM, Moon opposed Jupiter 12:13 PM, Moon enters Libra 12:49 PM.
Saturday, December 17: On this restless and friendly day, let errands be an excuse to sociably connect and support good causes while mental Mercury trines change-inducing Uranus and encourages us to change the world in large and small ways. Take an opportunity to revive relationships with the new level of gentle honesty.
Moon square Venus 6:28 AM, Moon trine Mars 12:43 PM, Mercury trine Uranus 2:36 PM, Moon square Mercury 6:25 PM.
Sunday, December 18: Find something wonderful to contemplate on this thoughtful morning as the Moon trines contemplative Saturn. Be helpful to others. Be kind to anyone dealing with lingering sadness or longing as the Moon squares Pluto and enters Scorpio midday. Remember to directly ask for what’s needed without convolution or barbs. Limit requests, it can be dangerous to poke someone who needs solitude.
Moon trine Saturn 4:31 AM, Moon sextile Sun 3:02 PM, Moon square Pluto 3:35 PM, Moon enters Scorpio 8:30 PM.
Monday, December 19: Some people may act more like Grinch than elves as Venus forms an irritating quincunx to Mars. We could feel edgy, uncomfortable, but emotions can be manageable if we don’t drink too much coffee. The Scorpio moon sharpens our focus but we may need a healthy place to obsess. Some people could get truly controlling in their discomfort and will need to back off. Be aware of other people’s concentrations; interruptions can cause a real problem.
Venus square Chiron 9:23 AM, Venus quincunx Mars 10:36 AM, Mars sextile Chiron 3:38 PM, Moon sextile Venus 6:21 PM, Moon opposed Uranus 11:32 PM.
Tuesday, December 20: Watch a tendency to spin in circles; we can both feel called to change as Jupiter enters Aries and need for restful escape as the moon trines imaginative Neptune. The Scorpio moon trines Neptune which grows our imagination but can take the edge off our otherwise practical week. Feel the spiritual call of the natural world wherever you are; hear the trees sigh, envision the bears asleep underground, let it call you deep within and find a moment of quiet.
Moon sextile Mercury 4:58 AM, Jupiter enters Aries 7:32 AM, Moon square Saturn 9:41 AM, Moon trine Neptune 12 PM, Moon sextile Pluto 7:44 PM.
Wednesday, December 21: Feel the turning of the tide as the Moon enters exploratory Sagittarius, the Sun enters enduring Capricorn and squares Jupiter, and winter begins. Stand at the crossroads on this shortest day, review the past and pivot towards the future. Contemplate what to nurture this winter. Celebrate the light within each heart, the light that warms us through the dark.
Moon enters Sagittarius 12:12 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 10:18 AM, the sun enters Capricorn 2:48 PM, Sun squares Jupiter 5:50 PM, Moon opposes Mars 6:48 PM.
Thursday, December 22: Let other peoples’ traditions expand one’s worldview. Venus trines Uranus under a travelling Sagittarius Moon and encourages us to step out of our comfort zone to see beauty in a different way. Find something lovable in another person because they are different and so add breadth to our world, rather than repeat what we already have; open up and make life a range of motion exercise. There’s no need to throw out the old; along with the familiar, try something entirely new.
Venus trine Uranus 2:47 AM, Moon sextile Saturn 11:19 AM, Moon square Neptune 1:15 PM.