Member-only story
Starcodes Dec 2, 2022
’Tis the season. This week planets in enthusiastic fire signs encourage us to fully enter the winter holiday season. Magical- thinking Neptune turns direct after months retrograde and adds an extra twinkle to the holiday lights. This Neptune can also get us into trouble as it adds a touch of magical thinking to our emotional insecurities or assumptions as Neptune squares heart-centered Venus.
We don’t have to get all of our decorations up — though it will feel good to create and observe beauty — but we might consider what acts of generosity, creativity, and goodwill we’d like to accomplish all this winter. Over the weekend a proactive Aries Moon combines with that desire for a magical twinkle and encourages us to break routine and create something lovely. It’s good to take our minds to those places of beauty because Neptune can also beckon us off the past and get us lost in a snowstorm, in our insecurities or some favorite illusion.
While this Neptune potentially adds the sparkle it can also make it challenging to read the weather or other people’s motives, whether they are lost in their own fairytale or disaster movie. Both Mercury and Mars are out of bound, or out of the sun’s yearly path, and while this can bring lovely spontaneous moments, it can also stimulate some truly strange moments. While most conversations will be lovely and versatile, when people spout off -what they…