Member-only story
Starcodes, August 2, 2019 Heather Roan Robbins
Whatever we do this week, let’s do it with love, panache, and rare streak of optimism as the Sun and Venus trine optimistic Jupiter in affectionate Leo. While there is much to unravel, fix and repair after the last few weeks it’s also important to fill up on summer’s fruitful abundance. Go to county fairs and concerts, tend summer chores with camaraderie. Feel that liberating quality of the Jupiter aspects, but also ask what needs liberating in a more concrete sense.
Mercury has just turned direct, so it’s time to straighten out recent snags, finish up some intriguing side-agendas which took up much of July, and remember our longer-term goals so we can get back on track.
Friday brings an itch to change something as Venus squares catalytic Uranus. It could be small, maybe we just need to talk to strangers instead of familiar people, go camping, or look at an old problem with a fresh perspective. Our feelings are ready to shift gears; if we’ve been holding on to a grudge or holding a candle for someone and it’s time to let go, this aspect can help.
Just remember that the image of greener pastures elsewhere is probably an illusion. If relationships felt strained over the last month while Mercury retrograded, give them a few weeks to heal (and make every effort to help them do so) before making any decisions. To support a relationship under this…