Member-only story
Starcodes Aug 19, 2022
Get ready to talk, plan, and have great long conversations mulling the world’s progress over the evening meal. It’s a great time to deepen our connections or engage a summer flirtation, find new allies as well as plan and debate now with mental Mercury in its own intelligent sign of Virgo balanced by sociable Venus and the Sun in extroverted Leo.
We’ll only get ticked off if we can’t speak or feel unheard as the Moon enters Gemini for the weekend and Mars joins the Moon on Saturday. Also, although we may be feeling friendly and sociable, watch the subtle Virgo tendency to politely drift away from beloveds to avoid conflict, instead, staying there. Find the strength to be vulnerable, kind, and resilient- also strong Virgo qualities-to stay present and clear the air.
This Gemini-Virgo energy is nervy, curious, occasionally anxious, with a sharp sense of humor and urgency to connect. Mercury in Virgo can gleefully points out problems while making us a tad touchy to receive critical comments; we can dish it but can’t take it, even as a joke. But the mood can stay sunny where we can speak freely.
With the two emotional planets, Venus and Mars now in the extroverted and friendly, but not always realistic, signs of Leo and Gemini, we are encouraged to meet new friends, engage in summer flirtation or take an old beloved out on a date. Enjoy the new connections…