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Starcodes April 24, 2020 Heather Roan Robbins

Our old routine is disrupted and we are probably not happy about that as the Sun in Taurus, which loves to settle down, get comfortable and grow roots, conjuncts unsettling, erratic Uranus on Sunday, and Mercury, now in Taurus, conjuncts Uranus at the end of the week. From day to day, hour to hour circumstances may change and leave us feeling unsettled, we have to roll with the changes, adapt to the changes, and make healthy decisions for ourselves.

The weekend begins under an earthy, fertile, waxing Taurus Moon, a good time to feed the senses and plant anything physical we want to grow, seedlings, habits, cuddles. We may feel the need for touch acutely and can hurt to not being able to hug beloveds. Feed the senses with any form of touch movement smells comfort.

The mood gets more cerebral as the Moon enters mercurial Gemini on Saturday. The next few days are generally good for planting air-sign things like ideas, plans, comments that will further healthy discussions. But that can be tricky as Mercury squares Pluto and Jupiter, and Pluto retrogrades. With Mercury square Pluto as Pluto turns retrograde on Saturday. Death. Plague. Isolation. Loneliness. Depression. What it takes to be alive. The use and abuse of power, whether that’s personal power, political muscle, electrical power or fossil fuels: Pluto covers all those issues. We want to feel connection on a soul level.



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead
Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Written by Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins, astrologer and ceremonialist, authored Starcodes: Navigate Your Chart with Choice-Based Astrology + AstroOracle deck.

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