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Starcodes April 19, 2024
Fasten your seatbelt and roll with the changes. Jupiter conjuncts Uranus, the planet named after the god of procreative chaos. We feel this aspect all spring long, though it perfects this week. Mercury, now retrograde, turns direct next Thursday. The metaphorical dust will settle in the weeks ahead and allow us to see where we’re going, but this week we could feel unsettled, tossed in a blanket.
Any conjunction acts like a new Moon when the Sun and Moon align and begin a new monthly cycle. Jupiter expands and Uranus acts like the cosmic clutch; it allows, even insists, that we shift gears and innovate. Their conjunction approximately every 13 years synchronizes with real breakthroughs in science and technology, for better or worse, shifts in societal patterns, and often an urgent call for our own personal shifts. If we want to maintain the status quo, this aspect can be unnerving. If we want change, this aspect helps us manifest and adapt. And as this is occurring in an earth sign, it may synchronize with literal shifts in tectonic plates.
Let’s look at some examples- Uranus conjunct in 1914 in air sign Aquarius as WW1 began, it changed European social structure and brought new technology, including crude airplanes, into the war. In 1927 this conjunction in fiery Aries synchronized with the first papers on The Big Bang Theory along with the first transatlantic phone calls…