Member-only story
Starcodes April 16, 2021 Heather Roan Robbins
Don’t give up. This weekend brings waves of mood swings and political machinations as the Sun, our source of energy, and Mercury, symbolizing our thinking, both now in fiery Aries, square transformative Pluto and ask us some tough questions. These Pluto aspects want to know who has power, how are they using it, and what matters in the face of loss. The impact of yet another police mauling, gun death, covid case, or gopher hole in the garden can seem intractable and insurmountable, but the planets encourage us stay strong, present, and respond to the discomfort. Stick to real priorities and look for a bigger answer.
The Moon and Mars in verbal Gemini as the weekend begins can keep us talking, they fuel debates, protests, news reports, as well as just plain gossip. Over the weekend mental Mercury and the Sun in Aries get busy — sextile Jupiter and Mars, and square Pluto — and keep that conversation rolling with differing opinions flying. We can take this opportunity to question a personal assumption or help another person question theirs so we can better see what’s really going on.
Our desire to make positive changes can meet with resistance, but let’s keep talking. People desperately need to have hope that problems can be solved through the magic of words, or the Aries fire can become volcanic.