Starcodes April 15, 2022

Restless but easily distracted, our moods could wander strangely this week as we bunny hop between dreamland and action. The Aries Sun and a square between Mercury and Uranus can make us long for a change and encourage us to get things done and make it hard to just rest. But the two planets which signal our emotions, Venus and Mars, are now both in sensitive, receptive, dreamy Pisces. Here they echo this spring’s ongoing Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces (both the modern and the traditional rulers of Pisces) which keeps our imagination flying all season, keeps our dreams and spirituality close to the heart…



Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins is a choice-oriented astrologer and ceremonialist, author of Starcodes Oracle Deck and 4 books-with an on-line practice