Aries New Moon ~ Starcodes April 8, 2021 Heather Roan Robbins

What does it mean to rebel? The coming new Moon in Aries wants to know. What we choose to rebel against is personal for each person. Do we rebel against an oppressive situation, against the world’s destruction? Or do we just get difficult and contrary. Do we rebel against the encroaching disease by getting the vaccine, can we rebel against pandemic depression by creating new opportunities? Do we rebel against a limitation and gently push ourselves forward, can we rebel against our own petulant mood and reach for the joyous sunlight?

Starcodes: Astrological map for the week ahead

Heather Roan Robbins is a choice-oriented astrologer and ceremonialist, author of Starcodes Oracle Deck and 4 books-with an on-line practice