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Aries New Moon ~ Starcodes April 8, 2021 Heather Roan Robbins
What does it mean to rebel? The coming new Moon in Aries wants to know. What we choose to rebel against is personal for each person. Do we rebel against an oppressive situation, against the world’s destruction? Or do we just get difficult and contrary. Do we rebel against the encroaching disease by getting the vaccine, can we rebel against pandemic depression by creating new opportunities? Do we rebel against a limitation and gently push ourselves forward, can we rebel against our own petulant mood and reach for the joyous sunlight?
With the Sun, Venus, Mercury and this weekend, the New Moon, all in brave, rebellious, self-starting Aries, there’s a lot of fuel lying around. Like a well-fueled combustion engine, this can take as far if we have a goal and drive it carefully. But also like a combustion engine, we could just blow up.
Aries imparts strength, bravery, and motivation, but we have to add maturity and awareness to put it to good use. It doesn’t pay to be strong and stay in a situation that needs to end. This self-directed Aries energy makes it easier to do a project ourselves rather than explain what we need done, and easier to set a challenge and cheer each other on rather than collaborate.
This Mars-ruled Aries energy is connected to all of our defense systems, our ability to fight of invaders. Our emotional defenses…